Dr. Ashley Wain
Title: Assistant Professor, Instruction
Dept/Program: Biology
Office: UAWC
Phone: (330)-972-4419
Email: awain@uakron.edu
My research integrates the fields of biology, chemistry, and geology in investigations of the origin of animal multicellularity. These projects have focused on both abiotic and biotic factors that likely contributed to the transition to a multicellular trait state during the late Proterozoic. This was a time of rapid environmental change, including oxygen levels. My research uses long-term experimental evolution along with studies of gene expression to track how gene expression in colonial choanoflagellates changes over time with exposure to hyperoxic, normoxic, and hypoxic atmospheres. My projects also include investigations of predation as a major player in the origin of multicellular animals as well as the contribution of genetic assimilation-the fixation of traits that were once plastic.
B.S. Integrated Life Sciences: Kent State University
M.S. Biology: The University of 69É«ÇéƬ
- "Patterns of Growth and Culturing Protocols for Salpingoeca rosetta to be Used in Investigations of the Origin of Animal Multicellularity"
M.S.Ed.: The University of 69É«ÇéƬ
- Thesis: "Examining the Impact of College Major on Students’ Understanding of the Nature of Science, Acceptance of Evolutionary Theory, and Attitude toward Biology"
Ph.D.: The University of 69É«ÇéƬ (2015)
- "An Integrated View of Metazoan Evolution: Investigations into factors that may have influenced the evolution of multicellular animals from a protozoan ancestor."