
Dean's Team

The Dean's Team at the College of Business (CoB) is a group of undergraduate students who help answer questions that prospective students might have. Members of the Dean's Team go on trips to high schools and participate in activities on campus to share their experiences and words of wisdom with other Future Zips!

The 2024-2025 Dean's Team at the College of Business (CoB)


Hometown: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio
High School: 69É«ÇéƬ Early College High School
Major and Minor: Sales Management and Marketing (Majors) and Risk Management & Insurance (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Fisher Sales Society; American Marketing Association; Civic Youth Innovation Engagement (President); Gamma Iota Sigma; National Society of Leadership and Success; African American Business Association; Financial Management Association; African Student Association

Why the CoB?
The College of Business provides students with many great opportunities to get involved in student organizations, business sororities and fraternities, networking events, and competition challenges like The Continental Challenge. These opportunities offer students firsthand experience of real-world operations and connections. Additionally, the College of Business is filled with individuals who not only want to see students succeed but also ensure they have access to all the resources needed for success.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose to major in sales and marketing because I have always had a knack for solving people’s problems and believe I possess the skills required to be a successful salesman, such as being a tentative listener. Additionally, I am not afraid to engage with individuals I am not familiar with, and feel I have a decent personality when it comes to building relationships with friends, clients, and business owners from the ground up. Sales is all about building connections with people and listening to their wants and needs. Regarding marketing, as someone who aspires to open an insurance company someday, I believe learning the ins and outs of marketing would be crucial for the company's earlier stages.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the array of great opportunities it provides for its students to ensure their success. The University hosts events such as SpringFest, which allows students to have fun and take their minds off their academic responsibilities for a little bit as we reach finals week. Additionally, the University does an amazing job supporting its community by facilitating connections between local business owners. Overall, not only does the University provide and prepare students for success, but it also elevates its community along with it.

Abdallah 2024-2025


Hometown: Medina, Ohio
High School: Highland High School
Major: Marketing
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
American Marketing Association; Women in Business ;Beta Gamma Sigma – VP of Marketing; Honors Business Association; Williams Honors College; University Ambassador

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business due to its reputation for going above and beyond to prepare students for their upcoming careers. Through numerous professional development opportunities and a wide variety of student organizations, I knew my educational and professional future would be in great hands.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose to major in Marketing because I consider myself to be a social, creative, yet analytical person, and marketing integrates so many aspects of myself into one degree. Additionally, I was attracted to how versatile marketing is since it does not limit me to a specific industry.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is how supportive the faculty is here. Even through my first tour of campus and the College of Business, it was clear that everyone I met was truly willing to help me. My time here has only solidified this, as my experiences with staff have shown that they genuinely wanted to see me flourish and were willing to do whatever they could to help me improve and reach my goals.

Anya 2024-2025


Hometown: Massillon, Ohio
High School: Tuslaw High School
Major: Sport Business
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Sport Analytics and Business Association (SABA)

Why the CoB?
I thought the sport business program was great. There are so many opportunities because it is not just a regular sport management program. It really touches on the business side of things which allows us to have more connections with people at the professional level.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I love everything that has to do with sports and would love to have a career in the future where I am working the behind the scenes of what makes sport organizations so big.

Favorite Part of UA:
I love how much it offers all around. There are so many courses, people, groups, and events that are happening all the time. The opportunities are endless and the environment is so much fun.

Brianna 2024-2025


Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
Major: Financial Management (Major) and Business Data Analytics (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2024

Professional/Student Organizations:
Delta Sigma Pi and Alpha Phi

Why the CoB?
The College of Business offers many great opportunities for their students and really helps aid them with the transition between school and the commerce world. They provide workshops to help understand and build connections which really helped me succeed in the best way I am able.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose to major in Financial Management initially due to my love of business and interest in commerce. I knew I wanted to do something that would be hard to just figure out by oneself, to really get the most out of my college years. I then decided to double major in Data Analytics as my microeconomics professor and chair of the economics department reached out to me to discuss my performance and suggested the double major.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part about UA would definitely be the organizations where I have found many of my good friends, ones that I could consider life-long. The faculty has also provided me with some amazing memories as they only want to see you succeed and are willing to try their very best to help you find the path of that accomplishment

Cherub 2024-2025


Hometown: Seville, Ohio
High School: Cloverleaf High School
Major: Supply Chain and Operations Management
Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2024

Professional/Student Organizations:
Delta Sigma Pi; Honors Business Association; Supply Chain Student Association

Why the CoB?
I chose the college of business because I know so many people that have been able to make professional and personal connections through the college of business, and I wanted to be a part of that community.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I love solving problems, collaborating with other areas of business, and helping time and money be saved for everyone.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part about the University is the close-knit community I feel in the organizations and classes I am in. I feel like I always have someone to reach out to for questions, mentoring, conversation, and really anything.

Colton 2024-2025


Hometown: Harville, Ohio
High School: Lake High School
Major and Minor: Economics BA/JD (Major); Finance (Minor); Pre-Law Philosophy (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Phi Delta Theta; Career Services & Student Employment

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because topics that involve business and how the economy works always fascinated me and gave me the drive to learn more and truly understand how on aspect of business affects a multitude of others.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose my major because I love everything about economics. Not only how everything we fully know affects the economy and other economies around the world, but also the theory of economics that we can't explain yet.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of the University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the wonderful faculty and staff we have at the College of Business who truly want to see you succeed at everything you do in life.

Dakota 2024-2025

David D.

Hometown: Mogadore, Ohio
High School: Archbishop Hoban High School
Major: Sales Management (Major); Marketing (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2027

Professional/Student Organizations:
Phi Delta Theta; UA Ambassadors; Life as a Zip; Office of Admissions

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of the extensive opportunities and connections that are offered. The CoB prepares you for the future and provides real world experiences that cannot be found elsewhere.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose my double major in Sales Management and Marketing because of the Fisher Sales Society. The way sales is taught, the technology that is used, the sponsorships from local companies, and the success rate of graduates is astounding. I always knew I wanted to work in a field where I can be talking to people, and the Sales program goes above and beyond in preparation for a student’s career.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the community atmosphere. It is very easy to meet a lot of people here, and the professors and faculty make real connections with their students. There is always someone ready to answer any questions and point you in the right direction. UA is a place where every student can feel valued. It truly is the home away from home.

David D. 2024-2025

David H.

Hometown: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio
High School: 69É«ÇéƬ Early College High School
Major and Minor: Sales Management (Major); Marketing (Major); Entrepreneurship (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
UA Ambassadors; Fisher Sales Society; UA Speech and Debate team

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of the care for the students’ success from each professor. The CoB has such a tightly knit community between both students and professors and this was huge in my decision-making process.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose my major because of its alignment with my own personality and my resonance with Sales and Marketing. I love working with groups, I am a hard worker, and I enjoy communicating values. These majors were a no-brainer for me.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of the University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the involvement opportunities on campus. The involvement opportunities are endless, and they do such a good job at preparing students for success and allowing an environment to apply what we learn in the classroom to the real world. I have truly enjoyed my time spent with students within these opportunities, such as the Fisher Sales Society, the UA Speech and Debate team, among others.

David H. 2024-2025


Hometown: Minerva, Ohio
High School: Indian Valley High School
Major: Accounting (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
Delta Sigma Pi - Vice President of Finance; Beta Gamma Sigma; Women in Business; Williams Honors College; Emerging Leaders class of 2022-2023;

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of everything it has to offer! I heard about the support from staff and that stuck with me. Everything it has for professional development really drew me in because I knew that it would prepare me for life after college. I also really liked the fact that it was close to downtown 69É«ÇéƬ, so I could be surrounded by companies willing to give internships to developing professionals.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I knew that I always wanted to go into a business field, but never knew exactly what major until I got a job in an accounting office at an early age. That experience, along with the fact that there were so many directions I could choose to go in accounting, helped me make my decision. Once I got into my accounting classes, and talked to professionals in accounting fields now, it solidified this was the correct major for me. I quickly realized that accounting was perfect for me since I could combine my strong math skills with my people skills.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is that there is something to offer for everyone. There are so many student organizations to get involved with on campus, whether you are looking for something social or professional, there is something here for everyone

Hailey 2024-2025


Hometown: Canfield, Ohio
High School: Valley STEM + ME2 Academy and Canfield High School
Major: Business Data Analytics (Major) and Economics (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Residence Hall Council - Past President; UA Ambassador; Delta Zeta Sorority; National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH); Ballroom Dancing Club; Emerging Leaders Class of 2022; Urban Agriculture and Beekeeping Club; Scouts BSA - Eagle Scout

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of its forward-thinking environment and career-based expertise. Every faculty member, staff member, and student is looking to succeed in the future and act as a supportive network for one another's success!

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I discovered my passion for combining data, analysis, and interpretation into a means of helping people make decisions. It's my hope that data can be meaningful and I can help to be a guide for those who need to take action in their respective markets!

Favorite Part of UA:
The University of 69É«ÇéƬ holds everything a successful student could want: a friendly atmosphere, opportunities for on- and off-campus, academic challenges, and long-lasting support. I love how at every turn, there is someone there to act as a mentor and supporter!

Hannah 2024-2025


Hometown: Medina, Ohio
High School: Highland High School
Major: Business Data Analytics with a concentration in Marketing (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
Sport Analytics and Business Association; Honors Business Association; American Marketing Association; Beta Gamma Sigma

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of the great community that surrounds it. It is structured to help students succeed through seminars and workshops that help students become well-rounded professionals. The business college also does a great job at connecting students to employers. This allows students to build their network and find a job upon graduation.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose business analytics because I enjoy analyzing statistics to solve problems. I decided to add a sports business administration major to apply my love for statistics to something else that I enjoy.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University is the great on-campus events. From hypnotists to spring fest, these events allow everyone to meet new people and take a break from studying. I have made many memories and met some of my closest friends at events like these.

Joe 2024-2025


Hometown: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio
High School: Ellet Community Learning Center
Major and Minor: Marketing (Major); Psychology (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Intern - 69É«ÇéƬ Promise; Student Success Seminar Leader - UA College of Business; Peer Mentor - UA Office of Multicultural Development; Institute for Leadership Advancement; Institute for Global Business; Secretary - Financial Management Association, Women in Business

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of its limitless opportunities in experiential learning. While classes provide a strong foundation, it is the networking events, travel opportunities, and leadership programs that set UA students up for success in the professional world.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
After reflecting on my passions for the arts, civic engagement, and global perspectives, I realized that pursuing a business degree would not only open doors to diverse career opportunities but also enable me to stay connected to these passions throughout my professional journey.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite parts of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ are having the opportunity to travel and the supportive community. By participating in study abroad programs and attending nationwide conferences, I've experienced diverse environments, built essential life skills, and developed a stronger view of global engagement. Additionally, the supportive faculty and community stand out, as I've formed numerous meaningful connections that have greatly benefited my journey here at UA.

Kayla 2024-2025


Hometown: Avon, Ohio
High School: Avon High School
Major: Marketing and Sales Management
Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Fisher Sales Society; Taylor Institute and Marketing social media; marketing research assistant

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of the opportunities and experiences provided to students. There are endless amounts of resources for the CoB students to use, such as career services, guest speakers, network connections, and many more. Along with that, there is no better faculty/staff than the ones at our CoB. They all want the best for you and will do their best to make you a successful student and professional.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose Marketing and Sales because I love building relationships with people and my people skills have always been one of my better attributes. I felt that those majors would be an industry I would thrive in. I also did not want to sit at a desk and do the same thing every day; I want to go travel, meet new people, and experience new things.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ has to be the people around you. I came here only knowing my roommate and now that I am in my second year, I can happily say I’ve made so many great friends, and some that will be around for the rest of my life. Along with that, the faculty and staff here are just as incredible. They are all extremely good at what they do and help lead students on the right path. I love to say that The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is one of the few colleges that view their students as more than just a dollar sign.

Keegan 2024-2025


Hometown: New Philadelphia, Ohio
High School: Dover High School
Major: Financial Planning
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity; Interfraternity Council; Financial Planning Student Association, 69É«ÇéƬ Running Club; 69É«ÇéƬ Clays Club; UA Ambassadors; Beta Gamma Sigma; William Honors College

Why the CoB?
After a short stint in Chemical Engineering, I quickly realized the career I was searching for was different from what I had anticipated. Working with my advisor, I made the decision to switch to the College of Business, and what I have found is truly a "hidden gem". The College of Business offers extensive academics taught by faculty who are extremely well-versed in the subject matter they are teaching, both from an educational and professional perspective. Beyond academics, the College of Business promotes a wide variety of professional development opportunities for students that help to put them leagues ahead of their peers in the job market, while also offering students one-on-one resources to help them secure a future internship or job.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
Though I didn't initially choose Financial Planning as my major, I always knew that I wanted work that was complex enough to keep me occupied yet meaningful enough to keep me engaged. While Chemical Engineering satisfied these needs to some degree, I felt that the interpersonal side of the job wasn't extensive enough to suit my extroverted personality. Always having an interest in personal finance, I made the decision to declare financial planning as my major, and quickly found that the career opportunities it offered were exactly what I was looking for in a job.

Favorite Part of UA:
Coming from a mid-sized high school, I always enjoyed the benefits of being large enough to have a variety of classes and programs to take part in while still being small enough to have connections with most of the individuals in my graduating class. Though skeptical at first that this would be possible at a university that was exponentially larger, I've found myself feeling extremely at home at UA and have made great connections with my peers on campus while also getting to take advantage of the vast amounts of opportunities given to students.

Matt 2024-2025


Hometown: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio
High School: Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy (CVCA)
Major: Financial Management (Major), Financial Planning (Major), and Economics (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Undergraduate Student Government; Honors Civics Club; Beta Gamma Sigma; Pre-Law Society; Financial Planning Student Association; University Ambassadors; Campus Focus

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business for its finance program and the opportunity to intern at reputable firms while going to college full time.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose my majors because of my interests in finance and economics, as well as my aspiration to become a financial planner.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ are the student organizations. Through these, I am able to network with motivated students who share my interests, interact with professionals, and develop my leadership and communication skills.

Max 2024-2025


Hometown: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
High School: Badger High School
Major and Minor: Business Data Analytics (Major); Marketing (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
Delta Sigma Pi; Women in Business; Economics Data Analytics Club; American Marketing Association; Undergraduate Student Government; Business Success Seminar Leader

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business because of the wide variety of pathways and opportunities to explore the business world!

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I am majoring in Business Data Analytics because of my love for the business world and I am a detail-oriented individual who enjoys to problem solve and be creative. Furthermore, with today's technology, data is evolving, and efficiency is vital for the world in and out of business.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of the University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the community and the connections the campus brings.

Molly 2024-2025

Natalie G.

Hometown: Warren, Ohio
High School: Champion High School
Major: Accounting
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Delta Sigma Pi; Undergraduate Student Government; Honors Advisory Council; Women in Business; Honors Peer Mentor; Sigma Lambda; College of Business Success Seminar Leader

Why the CoB?
I choose the College of Business at the University of 69É«ÇéƬ at first because of how welcoming the members are and because of all the opportunities that comes with being in a city. While attending my first year of college in the College of Business I found 100 more reasons to keep choosing it! Just to name a few, the faculty is so helpful and welcoming so you feel like no matter where you go you have a familiar face. The programs and opportunities provided by the College of Business gives everyone a chance to excel. I could keep listing but overall everyone in the college cares about all of the students and tries their best to help them in any way possible.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I had a really hard time choosing my major at first because there was so many different opportunities but I knew I wanted to be in the College of Business. When I originally applied I was actually listed as undecided but quickly narrowed it down to accounting because I loved the accounting work that I did in my past jobs and knew that I could take this degree multiple ways after college.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the welcoming atmosphere everyone holds. The professors, staff, and other students all strive to list each other up and help everyone succeed in their way. The transformation I've had from my first semester to now is astronomical!

Natalie G. 2024-2025

Natalie P.

Hometown: Springfield Township, Ohio
High School: Manchester High School
Major and Minor: Accounting (Major); English (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Financial Management Association (treasurer); Pre-Law Society; Women in Business; Accounting Association; Beta Gamma Sigma; Speech and Debate team; Williams Honors College Peer Mentor; Leadership Designation Program; UA Ambassador

Why the CoB?
I knew the College of Business was right for me because of the welcoming faculty and staff, engaging events, and community of like-minded students. The supportive environment, coupled with the infinite opportunities, truly drew me in. Because of all the opportunities I have had to attend speakers, leadership programs, Suit-Up Week, and countless other programs carefully curated by the faculty to further my success, I have grown in my chosen career, created invaluable personal and professional relationships, and developed both my hard and soft skills. Reflecting on my choice, I am confident that attending The University of 69É«ÇéƬ has provided me with everything I sought in college and more.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
While I always knew I wanted to study business, I hadn't settled on a specific major until I began exploring classes in the CoB Business Core. Having the opportunity to learn about the different areas of study helped me realize that accounting aligned most closely with my future goals. I chose to pursue accounting because it not only offers a promising career but also provides foundational knowledge applicable to various other career options. Its versatility is unmatched to me, and considering my goals to work in corporate law, I recognized that a background in accounting would be highly beneficial in that field.

Favorite Part of UA:
The University of 69É«ÇéƬ has an abundance of opportunities and activities available to students. From attending SpringFest and Rubber Ducks games to participating in top-tier networking events and traveling to new cities, there is always something exciting to do! At The University of 69É«ÇéƬ, I love that I am able to indulge my current passions while also discovering and nurturing new interests.

Natalie P. 2024-2025


Hometown: Deerfield, Ohio
High School: Southeast High School
Major and Minor: Human Resources Management (Major) and Marketing (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
Volleyball Club; Institute for Leadership Advancement; International Business Association – Marketing Chair; Delta Sigma Pi – Alumni Relations; Exchange Hall Government – Historian; SHRM – Marketing Chair

Why the CoB?
I chose the College of Business at The University of 69É«ÇéƬ because I was looking for a high-quality business program that would also be close to home. The environment is very welcoming to incoming students, and they provide students with many resources and opportunities that will lead them to success. All the faculty at the CoB care about the students and work to enrich and prepare them for their future professional careers. The CoB has many opportunities for student involvement in a multitude of student organizations, professional development, and networking events to help make connections.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I chose to pursue a degree in Human Resources Management because I want to make a difference in employees' lives. My goal in my future professional career is to create a positive and healthy environment for every employee. I want to build relationships with people and influence them to do their best and feel comfortable with their job. I enjoy the complexity of solving problems and building off those to promote growth and improvement. I believe I will be able to impact lives and make a positive light in this field.

Favorite Part of UA:
My favorite part of the University of 69É«ÇéƬ is the community. The positive and supportive environment makes you feel like you are at home. Everyone on campus is friendly, which has helped me develop many lifelong friendships, and meaningful connections with my professors.

Olivia 2024-2025


Hometown: Canal Fulton, Ohio
High School: Northwest Local Schools & RG Drage Technical Career Center
Major and Minor: Human Resource Management (Major) and Information Systems (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); Women in Business

Why the CoB?
I love the environment of the College of Business, there's something going on around every corner. It's pretty apparent that there are many people involved with making it a positive experience and ever since my first semester I've wanted to participate.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
Human Resources is honestly the most interesting job in the business world in my eyes. I've really enjoyed every class I've taken about it so far and I feel really passionate about the core values of the career.

Favorite Part of UA:
Again, the environment, I have many friends at other schools and I've never been more sure in my decision. Not only is it a fun and safe environment but I feel like we also have many opportunities that I wouldn't have anywhere else.

Riley 2024-2025


Hometown: Buffalo, New York
High School: Grand Island Senior High School
Major: Sport Analytics
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Sport Analytics and Business Association (SABA) – treasurer; Club Soccer – vice president; Williams Honors College

Why the CoB?
The Sport Analytics program led me to 69É«ÇéƬ's College of Business, and I'm so grateful that it did. Getting to listen and network with the accomplished alumni here has been truly remarkable. The possible connections and opportunities offered by the College of Business are unlike any others I've experienced.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I've always been drawn to the analytical aspects of sports, so discovering that 69É«ÇéƬ offered a major dedicated to this passion was enticing. I believe that the addition of this program represents a significant step forward for the University, and I'm confident it will attract many students who share my enthusiasm. For me, it's the ideal pathway to my dream career.

Favorite Part of UA:
Simply put, the people. Any college experience will be what you make of it, but being able to have a lively conversation with anyone makes you feel right at home. Some of my closest friends here are people I accidentally met or ran into.

Sean 2024-2025


Hometown: Green, Ohio
High School: Green High School
Major and Minor: International Business (Major), Supply Chain and Operations (Major); Arabic (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
Student Ambassador; Supply Chain Student Association – President; Beta Gamma Sigma – Vice President; Williams Honors College

Why the CoB?
My goal was to find a major that was a good fit for me and a school that was also a good fit for me, and I found that at our College of Business. I really enjoy the professors from various backgrounds - one of my professors worked at the Federal Reserve in our nation’s capital. I also enjoy all of the different student groups that help make the College of Business its own community within the greater UA community.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
I’ve always been interested in travel and the differences between countries and seeing that in a business lense has been very interesting. I’ve been interning in Global Procurement at The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, which is where I was introduced to Supply Chain. I found that UA has great professors and a great program, so I thought it would complement my IB major perfectly.

Favorite Part of UA:
I love being able to have a large campus feel while having a close-knit community of faculty and peers that know you by name.

Shareef 2024-2025


Hometown: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio
High School: Springfield High School
Major: Sales Management (Major) and Marketing (Major)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2026

Professional/Student Organizations:
Fisher Sales Society; American Marketing Association – Treasurer; Institute for Leadership Advancement; Honors Business Association – Treasurer; Elevate Service Club – Event Coordinator; Honors Civics Club – Vice President; Campus Focus; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Success Seminar Student Leader; UA Commuters

Why the CoB?
When it comes down to preparing you for the future, the College of Business has you covered. I chose UA's College of Business program because of the support it provides to students looking to find a career in business after college. Inside the College of Business, I've found many opportunities to grow my experience in business through the various internships and other professional courses that the College offers.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
For me, Sales and Marketing just felt like the perfect job for my personality and character. In high school, I was involved in a program called “DECA” which was a marketing and business-based program that allowed me to learn more about the basics of marketing and business. Through this program, I got to compete in an annual competition that helped me understand how marketing and sales worked together through the various roleplays and other experiences I had in the competition. Eventually, this program would spark my interest in studying sales and marketing which would then lead me to joining the sales and marketing program at the University of 69É«ÇéƬ.

Favorite Part of UA:
One of my favorite parts about the University of 69É«ÇéƬ has to be the community. UA has many different events and organizations on campus that easily allow for commuter and non-commuter students to find stuff to do outside of class. Inside the College of Business, I've found that the community is very welcoming, and it's easy to make connections with the different students and faculty.

Stephen 2024-2025


Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
High School: Cleveland Early College at John Hay Campus
Major and Minor: Marketing (Major) and Entrepreneurship (Minor)
Projected Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Professional/Student Organizations:
African American Business Association; American Marketing Association; Fapu; Institute for Leadership Advancement; NEOSVF; Summer Leadership Academy participant 2021; Student Leader 2022

Why the CoB?
I choose the College of Business initially because they were offering a program that was intriguing and unique. It allowed me to get a head start in college and all it has to offer in its entirety. One of the reasons I continue to stay ultimately is the people. The CoB helps you in adjusting to college then eventually landing a career and every step needed in between and even after. In the CoB they want to see you succeed. The people here are ambitious and extraordinary.

Why Did You Choose Your Major?
Okay short answer, I took a leap of faith. I reflected on my experiences, interests as well as what I learned. I had learned a lot about many of the different programs and majors offered in the CoB. What stuck with me the most is marketing. I look at marketing as a universal medium; it has so much value packed into it. Imagine having this absolutely amazing product or service and no one knowing about it. That is why I choose my major.

Favorite Part of UA:
I have many favorite parts about UA the student organizations, events, the environment to thrive, etc. However, if I had to choose. My favorite part about UA is the professional development aspect. You are able to connect with a plethora of people from all walks of life and hear their stories. Not only do you make connections with people and travel at times, you become more self- aware as well. The information being offered is a double investment. It not only will help me now, but long into the future.

Tiyana 2024-2025