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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 DTj%[2 Heading 2G Heading 2 DTj%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 DTj%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 DTj% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title DTj% <TotalMTotal %[[= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`|sheet1S 9 Short DescBuyerCategoryACATH AccomAthl7026 Beaven,Matt%Overnight Accomodations for AthleticsACCNE AccomNonem7005)Overnight accomodation for non-employees.ACCOM AccomEmpl7066%Overnight accomodation for employees.ACSRI AccomSRIS7010@Overnight accomodations for Athletic Student Recruiting In-StateACSRO AccomSROS7011;Overnight Accomodations for Student Recruiting Out-of-StateADDIS5817 Lee,Valoree%Novelty items, custom pens, mugs etc.ADSER5789=Advertising agency, public relations, and marketing services.ADVER Advertisin8Media, newspaper, radio, TV, classified and display ads.ANIMAAnimals5758Lightner,Denise'Animals, lab, farm and other livestock.APPLI Appli$50006604 Parker,AlanAppliances - over $5000APPLL AppliParts5759Appliances - Parts and SuppliesAPPRA Appraisal57493Appraisal services, real estate, building and land.ARCHS Arch & Eng6805 Jenkins,Bill!Architect & Engineering services.ARMSArmsROTC5761 Cramer,LubaJMilitary weapons, ammunition and related equipment, supplies and services.ARMSP ArmsPolice5813Police Weapons and AmmunitionART Art<$50005816Artwork <$5,000ARTISArtists5710<Artists, entertainers, performers, lecturers, speakers, etc.ARTS ArtsClass\Art supplies, clay, paint, brushes and misc. graphics arts supplies. Photographic supplies.ARTWOArt Work6810/Art work, paintings, sculpture and collectionsATHLE5760<Athletic, recreation & sporting goods, equipment & supplies.AUDIT Audit Serv5756*External auditing and accounting services.AUTOAuto66059Automobiles, trucks, vans and other maintenance vehicles.AUTOR AutoRepair5764GAutomobile repair, vehicle repair, motorized equipment repair services.AUTOSAuto P&S5762\Automotive parts and supplies. Antifreeze, oil, tires, spark plugs, batteries, brakes, etc.AUTSP AutoEquip$Automotive shop equipment over $5000AVTV AudioEquip6602pAudio visual equip, video projectors, recorders and players; overhead & slide projectors, TV's, etc. over $5000.AVTVS AudioSuppl Audio Visual Parts and Supplies.AWARDAwards5794(Awards, plaques, trophies, apparel, etc.BEARIBearingsBELTSBelts"Belts for power transmission, etc.BOOKB Book Bind5780"Book binding and bindery supplies.BOOKS BooksDept5788Books and subscriptions, periodicals, magazines and subscriptions, books on tape - for departmental use. Not for library materials.BROAD TVRadBroad5790TV/Radio BroadcastsBUILS Build SuppOBuilding supplies, i.e., lumber, cement, doors, glass, adhesive, flooring, etc.CATERCatering7041)Catering and event supplies and services.CATVS63109Cable TV access, teleconferencing, satellite hookup, etc.CBLCP CopprCable6806DPurchase of Copper Cable and Related Hardware for TelecommunicationsCBLCX CopprInsta68071Installation of Copper Cable and related HardwareCBLFB FiberCable6808,Purchase of Fiber Cable and related HardwareCBLFX FiberInsta68090Installation of Fiber Cable and related HardwareCHEMH ChemHazard5765/Chemicals, Hazardous - Research and DevelopmentCHEMI ChemicalsR#Chemicals, Research and Scientific.CHLDE ChildEquip Child care equipment over $5000.CHLDS ChildSupplChild care supplies, toys, etc.COMHM ComputerHM5766Computer Hardware MaintenanceCOMPE CompEquip6603cServers, data processing power equipment, monitors, routers, hubs, drives, memory, etc. over $5000.COMPL CompLease6304$Computer Hardware and Software leaseCOMPPCompPC6606Computer-PC's >$5000.COMPS CompCompon5800wComputer supplies & accessories, printers, diskettes, tapes, toner cartridges, blank CD's, etc. Items less than $5000.COMPWCompSoft5801Computer SoftwareCOMSM ComputerSMComputer Software MaintenanceCONCCConCC6803,Construction, Concrete and related services.CONEL ConElectSr!Construction Electrical Services.CONEN ConEnviron$Construction, Environmental ServicesCONEVConEV-Construction, Elevators and related services.CONFC ConClsFurn8Classroom/Lab furnishings for new Construction projects.CONFLConFL Construction, Flooring Services.CONFN ConNewFurn1Office Furnishings for new Construction projects.CONGL ConGlazingConstruction, GlazingCONGTConsGT2Construction, General Trades and related services.CONHVConHVConstruction, HVAC Services.CONITConIT.Construction , Information Technology related.CONLN ConLegalNtConstruction Legal Notices.CONLSConLS6811#Construction, Landscaping Services.CONMA ConManagem Construction Management ServicesCONPLConPL Construction, Plumbing Services.CONPVConPV6802Construction, Paving Services.CONRFConRFConstruction, Roofing Serivces.CONSTConST&Construction, Steel Erecting Services.CONSWConSW Construction, Sitework Services.CONTG Consulting5702Misc Consulting ServicesCOPY Copying Sv5779_Copying Services, small & quick duplicating or copying service jobs. See Duplicating / CopyingCSINV13002Central Stores Inventory for internal resale only.CUSTS CustodSupp Cleaning and custodial supplies.DATAC Data Comm6305=Data communications, internet access, distance learning, etc.DATAP Data Proc6308bData processing, computer time, on-line, database access services, telegram, telex, teletype, etc.DELIV Delivery S5805ADelivery services, parcel packages, express mail, overnight, etc.DINSU DinSrvcSup5763&Miscellaneous Dining Services SuppliesDISPODisposal6Trash collection, recycling, hazardous waste disposal.DRYCL Dry Clean5752"Dry cleaning and laundry services. DUPLICATING Duplicatin5778Duplicating / Copying ServicesELECS ElectSuppl[Electrical Supplies, transformers, breakers, bulbs, ballasts, switches, conduit, wire, etc.ELECT ElectEquip Electrical Equipment over $5000.ENERG EnergyEqui?Energy management systems,climate control apparatus over $5000.ENERS EnergySuppJEnergy management systems supplies, climate control apparatus under $1500ENVEL Envelopes5757 Envelopes.EQUIPMENT FREIGHTEquipFrt6608Freight for Equipment.FAST FastenersFERTI FertilizerFILMR FilmRental5772Film Rental - GSC, etc.FLORIFlowers7046FOOD:Food or beverage purchased for office or office functions. FRANCHISEFEE FranchiseF5808QFranchise Fee for auxiliary services. 12/01/09-changed to receiving optional. ARFRTFreight5806+Freight, truckload and less than truckload.FUELFuel1305 Gasoline.FUEL-D Fuel-Diese1303 Diesel fuelFURN Furn<$50005815@Furniture, classroom, office, dorm, and laboratory. Under $5000.FURNX Furn>$5000?Furniture, classroom, office, dorm, and laboratory. Over $5000.GASESGases&Gases used for Research & Maintenance. GRANTEQUIP< GrantE<$5k6610&Grant Equipment between $1500 - $4999.HARDHardwareHardware products and supplies.HOSPDHospDEV%Hospitality-Development EntertainmentHOSPE HospEVENTS7042)Hospitality Events - Decorations, FlowersHOSPT HospTICKET7040Hospitality-TicketsHVAC HVAC>$5000HVAC equipment over $5000.HVACS HVACSupplHVAC Supplies.ICEMEIce Melt Ice Melt, Salt, Calcium ChlorideINSAUInsur AU5774;Automobile, vehicle and miscellaneous maintenance vehicles.INSEL Insur ELL5776$Educators Legal Liability Insurance.INSGLInsur GLGeneral Liability InsuranceINSMC Insur MiscMiscellaneous InsuranceINSMMInsur MMMedical Malpractice Insurance.INSPE Inspection-Inspection services, boilers, elevators, etc.INSPRInsur PR5775Property Insurance.INSSH2071&Student Health and Accident Insurance.INVCE InvCCComEq1313Inventory - CompCtr Comm EquipINVCH InvChemSto< 1301Inventory - Chemical StoresINVCM InvCompMat1308Inventory - Computer MaterialsINVCO InvCompSto1315Inventory - Computer StoreINVCS InvCenStorInventory - Central StoresINVFLInvFuelInventory - Fuel on CampusINVGA InvGasolinInventory - GasolineINVNB InvNetBack1318Inventory - Network BackboneINVPC InvPerComp1311Inventory - Personal Comp ServINVPF InvPinFed1307Inventory - Pin-Fed FormsINVPH InvPhysPlt1306Inventory - Physical PlantINVSS InvSecSys1317Inventory - Security SystemsLABEHLaboratory equipment, centrifuge, microscope, etc. Purchases over $5000.LABSMLaboratory supplies, glassware, pipettes, slides, etc. Equipment under $1500.LABTLaboratory testing.LAND LandscapeLandscaping ServicesLAWNE'Lawn maintenance equipment Over $5000.LAWNS LawnSuppl-Lawn maintenance supplies and plant material.LEGAL Legal Svc5701+Outside legal counsel and related services. LEGALSETL LegalSettl5819Legal Settlements.LETTE LetterheadLetterhead and business cards.LIBRA LibrEquipLibrary equipment. Over $5000.LIBRS LibrSupplZLibrary supplies. Book detection, carts, catalog cards, shelving, etc. Equip under $1500.LOCKSLocks0Locks and associated security devices and parts.LSCBO LeasedCopBLease/Purchase Copier BuyoutLSCOM LeaseComp6501!Lease/Purchase Computer EquipmentLSCOP LeaseCopyLease/Purchase CopiersLSOTH LeaseOtherLease/Purchase Other EquipmentLSVEH LeaseVehic5769Leased VehiclesLUBES Lubricants6Lubricating and penetrating oils and similar products.MACHI Machinery>Saws, drills, grinders, lathes, jacks, mills, etc. Over $5000.MAIL MailEquipMailing equipment over $5000.MAILSMailServ5755Off-Campus Mailing ServicesMAINC MaintContr!Service and Maintenance ContractsMAINT MaintEquip+Maintenance equipment and tools over $5000.MATERMatEquip'Material handling equipment over $5000.MEDEX Medical Ex5754Medical Expenses.MEDICMedEquipMedical equipment over $5000.MEDISMed Sup8Medical supplies, gauze, dressings, tape, bandages, etc.MEMB Membership5787Membership dues and fees.MOVER MovesCamp=Moving, rigging, cranes, lifts and other associated services.MOVES MovingHous7032)Moving and household relocation services.MROAS MROAS Svc57676MRO Asbestos Abatement Services, removal and disposal.MROC5751*MRO custodial services; contract cleaning.MROER MROElevat$MRO Elevator maintenance and repair.MROESMROE Svc>MRO Electrical Services, installation, maintenance and repair.MROFP MROFP SvcWMRO Fire Protection and Security Services, installation, maintenance, repair and parts.MROGE MROGE SvcHMRO General Contracting Services, installation, maintenance and repair.MROHV MROHV Svc9MRO HVAC Services, installation, maintenance and repair.MROMS MROMS SvcAMRO Miscellaneous Services, installation, maintenance and repair.MROPA MROPA Svc.MRO Painting Services, maintenance and repair.MROPL MROPL Svc=MRO Plumbing Services, installation, maintenance and repair.MUSIC MusicEquip-Musical instruments and equipment over $5000.MUSIS MusicSupplcMusical supplies, sheet music, scores, CD's, cassettes,etc. Equipment and instruments under $1500. NONIDCSUBCON SubconNon6202Christy,Christie AnnTSubContractor - Non-IDC Portion for Grants only. Established for Controllers Office.OFFIE OfficEquip6601)Office machines and equipment over $5000.OFFIS OfficSuppl}Office supplies, excludes bulk paper. Office machines under $5000, faxes, calculators, cashregisters, dictation machines etc.OFSPA5770GLease/rental of off campus facilities, office, residential, commercial.PAINT PaintWall!Paint supplies and wall covering.PAPERPaperPaper, offset and copier.PARTICIPANT-SUPPOR Participan6211;Participant Supp - Stipend. Interns Covered by OMIC Grant.PHARM'Drugs, pharmaceuticals and biologicals.PHOTO PHOTOGRAPHHPhotography services, photographer, photographs, digital and paper, etc.PLUMB PlumbEquip&Plumbing equipment greater than $5000.PLUMS PlumbingSu(Plumbing supplies and parts under $5000.POLICPolice1Police protection equipment and related supplies.POWER PwrPlantEq0Power plant equipment, boilers, etc. over $5000.PRIND PrintDesgnHPrinting related services, proofreading, editing, layout and design, etcPRINQ PrintEquip$Printing plant equipment over $5000.PRINS PrintSupplTPrinting plant supplies, binding equipment, ink, chemicals, plates, mats, type, etc.PRINTPrintingXPrinting of documents, posters, brochures, hangtags and miscellaneous printed materials.PROGR ProgrPrint57841Printing of programs for performances and events.PROPTPropTax5792 Property TaxRAD RadioactivRadioactive Materials.RADIO RadioEquip.Radio transmission equipment, etc. over $5000.RALCO PuResAlcoh7102Purchase for Resale - AlcoholRAVFI PuResAVFlm7105Purchase for Resale - Av/FilmRBOOK PuResBooks7103Purchase for Resale - BooksRENTE RentalEquiRental EquipmentRENTL RENTALCH&S#Rental-Computer Hardware & SoftwareREPAR RepairEqp9Repair from Off-campus service of Furniture and EquipmentRESUB ResSubCon6201'Research Sub-Contracts for Grants only.RFOOD PuResFood7101Purchase for Resale - FoodRMISC PuResMisc7106Purchase for Resale - MiscRSUND PuResSundr7104Purchase for Resale - SundryRYLTY Royalties5798<Payment of royalty fees and right to use copyright material.SAFET SafetySuppSafety SuppliesSATEL Satellite6309hSatellite dish, antennas, radio, TV transmitting and receiving equipment, supplies and related services.SECURSecurity+Security guard services and traffic controlSIGNA SignageExtSignage, exterior > $5000.SPACE SpaceExhib!Exhibit space, booth rental, etc.STORAStorageStorage and warehousing. SUBCONIDC SubconIDCPSubContractor - IDC Portion for Grants only. Established for Controllers Office. SUBCONNONIDCTAATH TravAirAth7020Travel, Air - AthleticsTAEMP TravAirEmp7061Travel,Air - EmployeeTANEM TravAirNemTravel,Air - Non-EmployeeTASRO TravAirSRO-Travel, Air - Student Recruiting Out-of-StateTELEP6302Telephones, pagers, etc.TELEQTelequipGr3 Telecom Equip - SwitcherTELLDTeleLD6301 Telephone Long Distance charges.TELST TelStation6307Telephones, cords, etc.TEMPSTempSrv58044Temporary Employment Services, Staffing and Payroll.TENTSTents & tarpaulins rental.TEXTITextiles;Cloth, fabric, yard goods, linens, towels, yarn, wipes etc.THEAS TheatSupplTheatrical SuppliesTHEAT TheatEquip Theatrical equipment over $5000.TOOLS Tool<$50005814Maintenance tools under $5000.TRAFF TraffEquipTraffic control equipment over $5000. Parking meters, traffic signals, speed control and monitoring devices, warning lights, barriers, ODOT signage, etc.TRAFS TraffSupplTraffic control and parking supplies. Equipment under $5000. Parking meters, cones, lane markers, traffic signals, speed control and monitoring devices, warning lights, barriers, ODOT signage, etc.TRAIN TrngProfEd5803&Training, seminars, workshops, classesTRAVATravel7001University TravelTRAVC TravelChtr,Travel by charter (bus or air) for AthleticsTVATH TravVehAth-Travel by rented auto, van or truck-AthleticsTVEMP TravVehEmp7063.Travel by rented auto, van or truck - EmployeeTVNEM TravVehNEM1Travel by rented auto, van or truck - NonemployeeTVSRI TravVehSRI?Travel by rented auto, van or truck-Student Recruiting In-StateTVSRO TravVehSRoCTravel by rented auto, van or truck-Student Recruiting Out of StateUAEQUIP UA Built E6607UA Built EquipmentUAEQUIPCOMPLETE UABUILTEC6612Completed UA Built Equipmen<tUNIFUniforms5812Uniforms, safety shoes, etc.UPHOL UpholsteriFurniture upholstering.VENDI VendEquip7Vending machines and arcade games purchase. Over $5000.VIDPR Video ProdSVideo production services including but not limited to: writing, filming & editing.WATER Water Trea9Water treatment chemicals for boilers & softener systems.!4-Digit Category Sub-Account Code Category CodeB* Y+}+,7-[-V.z.//0~152Y23B4f $5H 5 b6 79 7 \8 8 9c::v;1<U<e==p>>`?F@j!AEAeB8C\D)kDDEEF+GOGCHgHbIIkJJ cKnK\LgLCMNN'NeIeefpfhi)ij&k klcc@ VPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V8x>._2\ZHR4k%W|*`A't@7XwrövX [+ ! x Mp;(A%aAb g43d_0|r,Q0:GxwO|Z9ePB#rc]W0ӿak`$-QS@%ie Ol Aa}M܌u)yˇN}{3JīS=Z- k1Q[P?HI&x+!4^wA `@_8]8]mW3ʪR A}W QX836h.d fKUj:ZJ=6^cY=+u[Khƛx-Y*jWJk ˊY鹆M&^)k8iuWJj V+ʭSXDZz܀C~Wpy[9FxyM)z\s`(wp{x}@ fU9`3X0߆Wux܃z6/7ٴ֞\A;e!:W bip *^1hWC)u^…xEAp̊RxEu+IMCv~ '` Ln[L|Fr+GxƢ"n-yrJP&I86 KMr*M)Z<)xX *5Z<8y)z_9wXWyfksewtR M{/xބvW3JҰ=ņ=.}G'2:% 3c/1߉Qf10G Wڌ < L_=d 3_cD;AfJ{Uk$ J Ոvb~ΚF~*ǍpDKW~+N`Ydζ0sbu?q^䣑/+ xL xPAnxC앥:?B\WWWBk^X>Bx9mA:5WĆE,nأksz3DŽ1d1)qLQoF3n2q8&$^sPW 1Gd17)SCN#1qK{y}ۚWNS1}=39g{iF)Ǚ qAqgƙgę⦸8Ӑ8S%yg9\hm'> f y%4ΟsaaƹЎa98N/U˼d gjA>-Ȯ 0x//Bi0/ցgBƖd^"tĵxᢌxa7I/Vq&;';8S1 A!^"2|.֢MgR%~496T>'a0,v\ ;FR&ˢ8v9tbԴ1-5D>HɊ~>gʸfw%e\8;#e\YV Iq(Ul6nإ!),doTv4Mhd5ngHJZ.k Ig'!)vfsOH8;b7.j^ IWa3nHݸJq/4̵kr0MJ>.ٳ=8٨ѱޡ02٫Dzɳ*Ф35էIɞ.Ф-(,Ǎ֤?>կI5>Ѱդ㰏ϺF,ȱ84)?Pԧ%;Z޽՝ԧӹչ챹::ܴ*?ԧ箻۾< v} q }  }  Column A,,,,,,,, , , , X ,,,,,,,,,,X,,,,,,,, D D @7 @8 ?0>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A A B A A A& A% B$ A" A# A+ A* B) A' A( A/ A* B. 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