
Dr. Lu-Kwang Ju

Dr. Lu-Kwang Ju

Title: Distinguished Professor
Dept/Program: Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering
Office: Whitby 311A (Lab Whitby 308 & 311)
Phone: 330-972-7252
Email: ju@uakron.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Ju began working at UA in 1990.  He served as the Chair of the Chemical, Biomolecular and Corrosion Engineering Department from 2005 to 2013.  Not long after that, he was recognized as a Distinguished Professor.  Prior to joining UA, he worked as a senior research engineer for Biochem Technology in Malvern, PA.  He is a Fellow with the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). 


Bioprocess engineering, enzyme and microbial technology


  • Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 1988
  • M.S., Chemical Engineering, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, 1985
  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C, 1980


Tools for Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Computations, Bioreactor Design, Biochemical Engineering, Bioseparations