
Dr. Nic Leipzig

Dr. Nic Leipzig

Title: Professor and Robert Iredell Chair
Dept/Program: Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
Office: Whitby 306 (Lab Whitby 107)
Phone: (330)972-6881
Fax: (330)972-5856
Email: nl21@uakron.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format


Dr. Leipzig joined UA in 2009. He has earned over $1 million in external research funding, primarily from the NIH. He has over 45 peer reviewed research publications, two granted patents and four patents pending. Dr. Leipzig was awarded the 2015 Rising Star Award, CMBE-BMES Young Investigator  Award and the 2018 UA College of Engineering Outstanding Researcher Award.


Regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, biomaterials, stem cells, protein engineering, wound healing, CNS injury and repair, mechanobiology


  • Ph.D. in Bioengineering, Rice University 2006
  • B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, McGill University 2001


Graduate Transport Phenomena, Process Economics, Stem Cell Engineering, Protein Engineering