Dr. Diana Reep
Title: Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: English
Email: dreep@uakron.edu
Diana Reep specializes in business and technical communication and film studies. She is the author of Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings (in its 7th edition), The Educator's Writing Handbook, and Business and Technical Writing: An Annotated Bibliography of Books from 1880-1980. Her books of literary criticism are Margaret Deland and The Rescue and Romance. She has also published a novel and numerous articles on television and gender roles, soap operas, the saloon in western films, Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, and issues of business and technical communication.
Professional Writing--Books
Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies and Readings. 8th ed. Boston: Longman, 2011.
The Educator's Writing Handbook. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1999. (coauthored)
Business and Technical Writing: An Annotated Bibliography of Books, l880-l980. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, l98l. (coauthored)
Popular Culture - Books:
Margaret Deland. Twayne United States Authors Series. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., l985.
The Rescue and Romance: Popular Novels Before World War I. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, l982.
Fiction - Book:
The Blakemore Touch. New York: Silhouette Books, 1988. (coauthored)
Edited Special Issues
The Journal of Training and Practice in Professional Psychology, 7(1) (Spring 1993). Special issue on feminist therapy. (coedited)
Proceedings. Midwest Association for Business Communication, 1991. (coedited)
Professional Writing - Articles:
"A Death in the School Community," Principal Leadership, 4, No. 4 (December 2003), 73-74.
"Selling the Home Territory: Assignments for International MBA Students," Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 4 (December 2000): 69-74.
"The Silent Interview," New Accountant, 10 (7) (April 1995): 14-18. (coauthored)
"Writing Across the Curriculum," The Accounting Educator, V, No. 2 (January 1995): 7.
Review Essay of Textbooks, Issues in Writing, 6, No. 1 (Fall 1993/Winter 1994): 82-89.
"Response to Gerald J. Alred," in Proceedings, eds. Joseph F. Ceccio and Diana C. Reep. Midwest Association for Business Communication, 1991, 101-102.
"A Survey of the Frequency, Types, and Importance of Writing Tasks in Four Career Areas," THE BULLETIN of the Association for Business Communication, LIII, No. 4 (December 1990): 3-4. (coauthored)
"Writing for Social Workers: Special Needs in the Business Communication Course," THE BULLETIN of the Association for Business Communication, LII, No. 1 (March 1989): 29-31.
"Historical Research," in Conducting Research in Business Communication, eds. Pat Campbell, Thomas Housel, Kitty Locker. Urbana, IL: Association for Business Communication, 1988. 187-208. (coauthored)
"Video Cases," Proceedings, ed. Sam J. Bruno. Southwest Association for Business Communication, l985. l2l-l23. (coauthored)
"Stop Writing the Wrongs," Personnel Journal, 63, No. 9 (September l984): 68-72.
"The Manager's Message—Teaching the Internal Memo," ABCA Bulletin, XLVII, No. l (March l984): ll-l3.
The Business Writer's Handbook. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, l982. Entries: Comma Chart, Credit Letters, Collection Letters, News Release.
Handbook of Technical Writing: 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, l982. Entries: Comma Chart, News Release.
"The Job Search: Panel Presentations," ABCA Bulletin, XLIV, No. 3 (September l98l): 20.
"Questionnaires and Informal Reports: A Project for Freshman Technical Writing Students," The Technical Writing Teacher, VII, No. 2 (Winter, l980): 74-75.
Popular Culture - Articles:
“The DaVinci Code—Novel into Film: New Popular Gospel.” Popular Culture Review, Vol. 21 (2) (Summer 2010): 27-35. (coauthored)
"Rafael Sabatini," The Guide to United States Popular Culture, ed. Ray B. Browne and Pat Browne. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 2001: 704.
"Romantic Horror," The Guide to United States Popular Culture, ed. Ray B. Browne and Pat Browne. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 2001: 700.
"Legacy Profile: Margaret Deland." LEGACY, A Journal of American Women Writers, 14(1) (1997): 43-50.
"Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire: Novel versus Film." In The Gothic World of Anne Rice, eds. Gary Hoppenstand and Ray Browne. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1996: 123-147. (coauthored)
"Margaret Deland." In The Oxford Companion to Women's Writing in the United States, eds. Cathy N. Davidson and Linda Wagner Martin. NY: Oxford University Press, 1995: 243.
"TV Parents: Fathers (and now Mothers) Know Best." Journal of Popular Culture, 28, No. 2 (1994): 13-23. (coauthored)
"See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have: The Saloon in Western Films." In Beyond the Stars, Vol. IV, eds. Paul Loukides and Linda Fuller. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1993: 204-220.
"Overview of Feminist Therapy: A Treatment Choice for Contemporary Women." Journal of Training and Practice in Professional Psychology, 7, No. 1 (1993): 10-25. (coauthored)
"The Siren Call of the Super Couple: Soap Operas' Destructive Slide Toward Closure." In Staying Tuned, ed. Suzanne Frentz. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1992: 96-102.
"Lasting Images of TV Parents," Family Perspective, 24, No. 2 (1990): 121-128. (coauthored)
"Effects of Frequent Viewing on Stereotypes: 'Drip, Drip' or 'Drench'?" Journalism Quarterly, 66, No. 3 (1989): 542-550, 556. Abstracted in Sociological Abstracts, 38, o. 4 (Oct. 1990), 90V8013. (coauthored)
"TV's Female Crimestoppers: Less Mascara, More Brains," WOMENPOLICE, 22, No. 4 (1988): 10-13.
"Television Sex Roles in the 1980's: Do Viewers' Sex and Sex-Role Orientation Change the Picture?" Sex Roles, 19, Nos. 5/6 (1988): 387-401. (coauthored)
"In the Eye of the Beholder: Viewer Perceptions of TV's Male/Female Working Partners," Communication Research, 15, No. 1 (1988): 51-69. (coauthored)
"Having It All? Career Conflicts for Television's Women," Journal of Studies in Technical Careers, 9, No. 3 (1987): 217-223. (coauthored)
"TV's Professional Women: Working with Men in the l980's," Journalism Quarterly, 64, Nos. 2 & 3 (1987): 376-381. Abstracted in Sociological Abstracts, 36, No. 3 (Aug. 1988), 88T6073. (coauthored)
"Adultery on Daytime Soap Operas: A Conflict between Viewer Beliefs and Behaviors," Family Perspective, 20, No. 2 (1986): 75-84. Coauthored)
"Anne Baxter—Intermission," in First Person Female, American. Troy, NY: Whitson Publishing, l980: 34-35.
“When the Business Message is Not about Business: Announcing a Death”, International Association for Business Communication Conference, October, 2010. (read in absentia)
“The Character of Robert Langdon in Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons, The DaVinci Code, and The Lost Symbol,” International Popular Culture Association Conference, March 2010.
“Soap Opera Ratings: A Historical Perspective,” International Popular Culture Association Conference, March 2010.
“Relativism, Divinity, and the Sacred Feminine in The DaVinci Code: Novel and Film,” Annual Colloquium on Literature and Film, West Virginia University, October, 2007.
Panel, “Soap Opera Roundtable,” International Popular Culture Association Conference, April 2007. (materials read in absentia)
Panel, “Soap Opera Forum,” Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2006.
"What Shall We Do With Our Daughters? Mary Livermore's Lyceum Lectures," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2003.
Panel, "Soap Opera Forum: Still Young? Still Restless?" Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2003.
Panel, "Anne Rice on Film," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2003.
"Tom Holland's Novel Lord of the Dead: Byron's Secret Life," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2002.
"Soap Opera Forum: State of the Art," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2002.
"Fathers of the gens du couleur: Paternity in The Feast of All Saints. Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2001.
"Rice’s Vampire Chronicles: The Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, and The Vampire Armand," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2000.
"Soap Operas in Review," panel, Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 2000.
"Evolution of an MBA Writing Course: From the U.S. to the U.N.," Association for Business Communication Midwest Regional Conference, March 1999.
Invited Lectures (2) on Business and Technical Writing. Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, July 1998.
"Soap Opera Forum," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1998.
"Anne Rice Forum," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1998.
"Three Coins in the Fountain in Savannah," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1997.
"Forum on Anne Rice's Servant of the Bones," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1997.
"Soap Opera Forum in the Problems Facing Soap Operas," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April1996.
"Connections Between Rice's Memnoch the Devil and Interview with the Vampire, Popular Culture Association International Conference, April1996.
"Business Communication for Teachers: Developing New Professional Writing Courses," Association for Business Communication Southeast Regional Conference, March 1996.
"Analysis of Character in Rice's Interview with the Vampire vis-a-vis the Film Version," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1995.
"Business Writing for Education Students: A New Course, A New Audience," Association for Business Communication Midwest Regional Conference, March 1995.
"Student Response: The Problem with Teaching Evaluations for Business Writing," Association for Business Communication Midwest Regional Conference, March 1994.
"Enhancing Student Writing," Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association Conference, October 1994.
"Fire in the Furnace: Over 50 on the Soaps," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1993.
"Editing and Publishing a Conference Proceedings: Process and Product,” Association for Business Communication International Conference, November 1992. (co-presentation)
"Tycoons, Cops, and Kids: Reviewing the Top Programs of the 1980s," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1992. (co-presentation)
"Response to Gerald J. Alred,” Association for Business Communication Midwest Regional Conference, April 1991.
"The Siren Call of the Supercouple: Soap Operas' Destructive Slide Toward Closure," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1991.
"Writing a Textbook: Tales from the Darkside," Association for Business Communication, Western Region, March 1990.
"Roseanne and Growing Pains: From Chaos and Dirty Dishes to Order and Spotless Crystal," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April1990. (co-presentation)
"Prime Time Sex Roles in the 1980s: TV's Changing Picture," National Women's Studies Association Conference, June 1990. (co-presentation)
"The Past is the Present: Viewers Select Lasting Images of TV Parents," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April 1989. (co-presentation)
"Student Response to Video Cases: Why Are They More Confident than They Should Be?" Association for Business Communication International Conference, November 1988. (co-presentation)
"TV's Casual and Regular Viewers: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Stereotype," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April1988. (co-presentation)
"Viewers' Perceptions of TV's Female/Male Working Partners," American Psychological Association National Conference, August 1987. (co-presentation)
"The Writing Consultant's Dilemma: Do They Want What We Offer?" Midwest Association for Business Communication, March 1987. (co-presentation)
"TV's Single Professional Women: Fulfilled or Frustrated?" Popular Culture Association International Conference, April l987. (co-presentation)
"The Writing Seminar: The View from the Participant's Chair," Association for Business Communication International Conference, November l986. (co-presentation)
"Chastity on the Job: Female and Male TV Working Partners," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April l986. (co-presentation)
"Using Your Campus Audio-Visual Services in the Classroom," Association for Business Communication International Conference, November l985. (co-presentation)
"Video Cases," Association for Business Communication, Southwest Conference, March l985. (co-presentation)
"Soaps and the Sixth Commandment," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April l985. (co-presentation)
"Writing for MBAs," American Business Communication Association Midwest Conference, March l983.
"When Men Rescue Women and Women Rescue Men," Popular Culture Association International Conference, April l982.
"The Early Job Resume," American Business Communication Association National Conference, November l980.
"Research in Business and Technical Writing," American Business Communication Association Midwest Conference, March l980.