Dr. Lance Svehla
Title: Associate Professor
Dept/Program: English
Office: Olin 326b
Phone: 330-972-6807
Email: lms3@uakron.edu
Lance Svehla teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in composition, writing, and rhetoric. Co-director of the 69É«ÇéƬ Writing Institute and Director of the Graduate Studies Certificate in Composition, his academic interests include composition pedagogy, rhetorical theory, scriptwriting, interactive narrative, postmodernism, pragmatism, grant writing, and the politics of literacy. His current research centers on trying to enact a pragmatic sense of self, ethics, and history in the writing classrooms of postmodernity. He has published essays in such journals as Teaching English in the Two-Year College, Dialogues: A Journal for Writing Specialists, and The Journal of Dracula Studies. He is currently working on a contracted book (co-authored with Drs. Julie Drew and William Lyons) entitled Sound-Bite Saboteurs: Public Discourse, Education, and the State of Democratic Deliberation. His non-academic interests include cooking and playing electric blues guitar.
Ph.D., Univ. of New Hampshire