Dr. Nicholas Ranson
Title: Associate Professor Emeritus
Dept/Program: English
Email: nickranson@comcast.net
Dr. Ranson read History (Pt. I) and English (Pt. II) at Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), and received his B.A. in 1962. He proceeded M.A. in 1966. After two periods of active service with the Royal Air Force, including flying with NATO’s 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force on tactical operations, he emigrated to the United States in 1968. He gained his Ph.D in 1974 with a dissertation under Dr. Robert Ornstein at Case Western Reserve University. He joined the English Department at UA in 1974 and took an early retirement in 2000. He continues an active teaching life in Florida. He can be reached by email at nickranson@comcast.net.
Journeying (Atmosphere Press, 2022). A collection of poems.
Ideological Approaches to Shakespeare: The Practice of Theory, Robert P. Merrix and Nicholas Ranson, eds., Lewiston, N. Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. A collection of essays deriving from the Ohio Shakespeare Conference of 1989
Track Made Good (Cleveland: Bits Press, 1977). A chapbook of poems published with the aid of an award of $750 from the Cleveland Area Arts Council
Patterns of Civilization: Asia. Co-author and Consultant, Project Director and Contributing Author. New York: The Cambridge Book Company, 1974
Patterns of Civilization: Africa. Project Director and Contributing Author. New York: The Cambridge Book Company, 1974
Patterns of Civilization: Europe. Contributing Author. New York: The Cambridge Book
Company, 1972. (Each of these three books is a Senior High/Junior College level text of ten (10) units for use in interdisciplinary humanities courses. Each is comprised of 480 pages; each of the 10 units has 48 pages).
The Wives of the Prophet, Dr. Bint al-Shati: translated with introduction by M. Moosa and D. Nicholas Ranson (Ashraf Press: Lahore, 1971). Reprinted Gorgias Press, NJ, 2006. An Arab work dealing with the "canonical" marriages of Muhammad
ARTICLES (Selected)
Nicholas Ranson, "Marlowe and Bruno,” Early Modern Culture Online (EMCO) 2:1 (2011): 18-25
__, “Spy Fiction”, "James Bond, "John Le Carré," "Robert Ludlum," The Guide to Popular Culture (Bowling Green, OH: Popular Culture Press: 2001)
__, "Indian/Iudean Again," Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography (10:1) 1999: 29-35
__, “G. A. Henty," in Dictionary of Literary Biography. Vol 141: British Children's Writers. 1880- 1914, (Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1994), pp. 118-133 (Honorarium paid)
__, "Henty's Experience with the British Army," The Henty Society Bulletin No.69 (IX, Autumn 1994): 5-21
__, "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" in Twentieth-Century Young Adult Writers (Detroit: St. James Press, 1993), pp.185-189
__, "Ted Hughes" in Twentieth-Century Young Adult Writers (Detroit: St. James Press, 1993), pp. 309-312)
__, "Henty and the Accounts: New Discoveries on George Alfred Henty," The Henty Society Bulletin No.61 (VIII, Autumn 1992): 3-10
__, "Henty in the Crimea," The Henty Society Bulletin No.51 (VII, Spring 1990): 3-19
__, "Dickens and Disability: David Copperfield," Kaleidoscope (Summer/Fall 1986): 11-15
__, and Jean Knepley, "Edmund Ironside: A Reappraisal Appraised,” The Shakespeare Newsletter 36 (Spring, 1986): 16
__, and Jean Knepley, "Is Coupling the Custom?" in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, Burton, Sara K. and Douglas Short, eds. Rockwell, Md.: Computer Science Press, 1983: 562-68
__, "Images of the Medieval in Henty's Fiction," The Henty Society Bulletin, No.20 (TIl. June 1982): 3-8
__, "A Marlowe Sonnet?" Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association, 5 (2 & 3. Fall 1979): 1-8
__,"Shakespearean Contractions: The Text and Order of Shakespeare's Plays," The Shakespeare Newsletter 27 (April, 1977): 14
__, "The Date of Greene's Vision Revisited," Notes and Queries, N.S. 200 (December. 1975): 534-535
__, Review: An Uncommon Poet for the Common Man. The Hague: Mouton, 1974, in Cleveland Magazine, June 1975
Nicholas Ranson, “Shaker Lakes” in Mangrove Review 16 (2019): Nikolides Narnos (pseud.), "The Love Songs of a Cleveland Liver" in The Akros Review, No.11, Fall 1985; "Advice to Young Poets" in Everyman '79; "Summer Sublet" in The Spoon River Quarterly, (No.1), Winter 1977; "Love Poem" in Poetry I, 1976; "The Lesson" in Wind, 6 (No.23), 1976; "In Class Theme" in The Mississippi Review, 5, No.2 (1976); "My Witch" in Twigs, 13 (No.1), Fall 1976; "Geometry" in The Spoon River Quarterly (No.2), Spring 1976; "Eunice has a mouth that kills" and "Who gave you those bruises?" in The Barataria Review ('New Orleans' Only Literary Magazine'), No.2 (1976); "To My Daughter" in The Mississippi Review, 5, No.1 (1976); "Charity is sixty years old" and "To me, Phyllis" in Bits. No.3, December 1975; "Poetaster" and "Van" in The Lake Superior Review, 6 (No.3), Winter 1975-6; "Flower Poem I" and "Flower Poem 2" in Bits, No.1, January 1975; "Dialogue with My Daughter, No.3" in WCLV Magazine, April 1975
"Ode of the Calico Cats," in Voices of Cleveland (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 1996);
"Tonight" in Gather Ye Rose Poems (Cleveland: The Monad Press, 1975);
"Spider" and "Dialogues with My Daughter, No.3" in The Cleveland Anthology (Cleveland: Pranayama Press, 1975)
Nicholas Ranson, "Landscapes in Victorian Literature: Dickens and Thackeray." Fir Hill Chautauqua, Hower House, 69色情片, July 1998
__, "Trumping Zeffirelli: Branagh's Gertrude:' Twenty-eighth Annual Convention, Popular Culture Association, Orlando, Florida, April, 1998
__, "Sixteenth-Century Voyages to Cathay," Shakespeare Association of America Seminar 21, Cleveland, Ohio, March 1998
__, "Branagh's Henry V: From Stage to Screen," Twenty-seventh Annual Convention, Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, Texas, March 1997
__, "Deconstructing Zeffirelli's Gertrude: The Adelman Thesis," Twenty-sixth Annual Convention, Popular Culture Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1996
NEH Grantee, Conference on "Material London, ca. 1600," The Folger Institute, Folger
__, Chair, Session: "From Renaissance to Renaissance." Eighth International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship, Graduate School, City University of New York, April 1995
__,"Zulu: Imperial Fact and Fiction, " Twenty-fourth Annual Convention, the Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, April 1993
__, "A Disorderly Printer, Robert Greene and the Moor," Seventh International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship, Graduate School of the City University of New York, April 1993
__, "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: Henty's By England's Aid, " Twenty-third Annual Convention, the Popular Culture Association, New Orleans, April 1993
__, "Robert Greene's Popularization of the Black Legend: The Spanish Masquerado (1589)," Nineteenth Annual Conference, Midwest Popular Culture Association, Indianapolis, October, 1992
__, "The Spanish Masquerado (1589): An Early Text of La leyenda negra," Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting, the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Cancun, Mexico, August 1992
__, "Mother Bombie and Shakespeare: Some Shaping Themes," Seminar: Lyly/Shakespeare, Shakespeare Association of America, Kansas City, Kansas, April 1992 (Moderator: David Bevington)
__, "George Alfred Henty: The Boys' Novel as Nineteenth Century Ideology," ISCSC Conference, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY, April, 1992
__, "Henty and the Accounts: More Light on George Alfred Henty " Twenty-second Annual Convention, the Popular Culture Association, Louisville, Kentucky, March 1992
__, "With Henty in Italy," Popular Culture Association meeting in Winchester, England, July 1991
__, Respondent: "Women in British Mystery Fiction," Popular Culture Association, San Antonio, March 1991
__, Seminar: "Teaching Editions of Shakespeare," Invited participant, Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, March 1991 (Moderator: Jay Halio)
__, Seminar: "Using the Computer in Shakespeare Studies," (Invited participant) Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, April 1990
__, Chair, session "The Press and Pedagogy," and Respondent, session "Animal Rights: Or Durable Coyotes, Literary Toads, and Rats' Rights," in British Popular Culture section, Popular Culture Association, Toronto, March 1990
__, "George Alfred Henty: A Standard of The Standard," in session "The Press and Pedagogy," Popular Culture Association, Toronto, March 1990
__, "Crookback Dick and Prince Hal: An Analysis of Shakespearean Idiolect," 9th International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, University of Toronto, June 1989
__, Workshop: "Performing Shakespeare," Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 1989
__, "The Landscape of Consciousness: Dickens and Thackeray," invited lecture to English Department, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, April 1989
__, "Marlowe and Bruno: The Texts of Faustus Revisited," 2nd International Marlowe Conference, Oxford, England, August 1988
__, Workshop: "Editing Shakespeare:" (Leader: George Walton Williams), The Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. 1988
__, "Reynolds's Political Instructor: or, The Shape of Radical Education." Popular Culture Association Annual Meeting, March 1988, New Orleans, La.; Area Chair. British Popular Culture, with 5 sessions
__, "Two Romances of Robert Greene: Dulce sed non utile?" (Romance section: Chair, Maureen Fries, SUNY, Fredonia), 12th International Conference on Patristic, Mediaeval, and Renaissance Studies, October 1987, Villanova Univ., Penna
__, "Robert Greene: Data, Concepts and Problems," 8th International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (lCCR) at University of South Carolina, Columbia, April 1987 (Co-authored with Jean Knepley, Cleveland State University)
__, Area Chair, British Popular Culture Association 17th Annual Meeting, March 1987, Montreal, Canada: organizer of 4 sessions
__, "The Figure of Gower in Greene's Vision and Shakespeare's Pericles," 11th International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Philadelphia, September 1986
__, Seminar: "Shakespeare and the University Wits", The Shakespeare Association of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 1986
__, "The Biographical Imperative in A Perfect Spy" Session: The Fiction of John Le Carré, Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, New York, December 1986; __, Area Chair, British Popular Culture, organizer, 4 sessions
__, 4th Annual Meeting of GRIP, sponsored by the Society for Critical Exchange, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, April 1986 : Chair, Session: "Histories of Criticism. "
__, "Chaucer, Gower and Greene: The Name of the Ruse," 10th International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1985
__, "Edmund Ironside: A Reappraisal Appraised," 7th International Conference on Computers and the Humanities (ICCH) Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, June 1985 (Co-authored with Jean Knepley)
__, 3rd Research Meeting of GRIP, sponsored by The Society for Critical Exchange, at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio: Chairman, Sessions "Literary History in an Age of Theory," "Theory into Pedagogy: Teaching Freshmen to Explore How Discourse, History, and Culture Influence Their Reading of Texts, " and "The Carnegie-Mellon English Curriculum" June 1985
__, "Is Coupling the Custom?" 6th International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, June 1983 (Co-authored with Jean Knepley)
__, "Class and Ethics in Le Carré: Towns in Germany and Elsewhere," 13th Annual Convention of the Popular Culture Association. Wichita, Kansas, April, 1983; presiding and Organizer, Session. "The Moral Universe of John Le Carré"
__, "Reynolds' Political Instructor: The Working Man's History," 12th Annual Convention of the Popular Culture Association. Louisville, April J 982
__, "Images of the Medieval in Henty's Fiction." 16th International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 1981; Chair, Session. Medievalism I: "England, The Nineteenth Century."
__, "G. A. Henty: An Eminent Victorian," 6th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Philological Association, November 1980
__, "A Marlowe Sonnet?" 4th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Philological Association, November 1978
__, "Cleveland's Native Son: Russell Atkins," Ohio-Indiana American Studies Conference, Oxford, Ohio, April 1978
__, "Marlowe and Bruno," 3rd Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Philological Association, November 1977
__, "Tarltons newes: A Case for the Computer?" 2nd Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Philological Association, November 1976
__, "The English Major," Panelist, College English Association Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, April 1974
Holding Committee, The Ohio Shakespeare Conference, appointed 1993
National Radio Observatory, West Bank, Virginia: Chautauqua Short Course. "A Radio View of the Universe." May 1991 (Certificate awarded)
Charter Member, SHAKSPER electronic network, 1990-present
Program Committee, Ohio Shakespeare Conference, University of 69色情片, 1989
Editor, Co-Founder Bits Press, Cleveland. Bits Press published Bits, a magazine of short poetry, from 1975 till 1981. The press published hand set and hand printed books, chapbooks, special editions of poetry and anthologies of light verse. Among those books which I have personally set and/or printed are Pulitzer Prize winner Mary Oliver's The Night Traveler, Elton Glaser's Peripheral Vision, Herb Scott's She Dreams of Milk, Mark Irwin's Umbrellas in the Snow, and Gavin Ewart's Nine New Poems.
Associate Editor, Studies in Medievalism, 1982-85. This revived magazine was devoted to the scholarship of how the Middle Ages have been an influence in subsequent culture. Each issue of the journal was published around a theme. The magazine was produced at the University under my direction.
Program Committee, Ohio Shakespeare Conference, University of 69色情片, 1980
Poetry Workshop Leader: Shell Point Retirement Resort, Fort Myers, 2021-23
Featured Speaker and Judge: Ohio Poetry Day, 69色情片 Area Chapter workshop, November 1977
Poetry Workshop Leader: Medina Writers' Workshop, October 1977
Poetry Judge: Manuscript Club of 69色情片 Annual Workshop, May 1977
__, Green High School. 5 day Visiting Poet residence, Spring 1977 paid for by Ohio Arts Council
__, John Hay High School, Cleveland. 5 day Visiting Poet residence, Spring 1978 paid by the Ohio Arts Council
Cleveland Area Arts Council Bicentennial Poem Commission, 2nd prize: "A Poem for America's Two Hundredth Birthday," May 1976
Workshop Leader. CAAC City Pride Bicentennial Poetry Project, May 1976
Poetry Reading, Coventry Village Library, Cleveland Heights, sponsored by the Cleveland Area Arts Council, December 1975
Poetry Reading, Cleveland Public Library, August 1975 (Honorarium)
Poetry Reading, Case Western Reserve University, English Department, October 1975 (Honorarium)
Case Western Reserve University FM Station WRUW: Interview by C.A. Smith, and reading of my poetry, broadcast, June 23, 1975.
Nicholas Ranson as Charles Dickens reading ''Nicholas Nickleby at Mr. Squeers' School" for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Youngstown, November 1993 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading "The Trial from Pickwick" for the Mahoning County Joint Vocational School, April 1993 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading "The Trial of Mr. Pickwick" to the Fortnightly Club, Piqua, Ohio, December 1991 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading "The Trial of Mr. Pickwick" and "Nicholas Nickleby," Rondelle Theater, Racine, Wisconsin, April 1989 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading "The Trial of Mr. Pickwick," Hiram College, May, 1988 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading "The Trial of Mr. Pickwick," Lake County Historical Society, December 1986 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading A Christmas Carol, Stan Hywet Hall, 69色情片, December 1984 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading A Christmas Carol, 3 performances at Stan Hywet Hall, 69色情片, December 1983 (Honorarium)
__, as Charles Dickens reading A Christmas Carol, 3 performances at Stan Hywet Hall, 69色情片, December 1982 (Honorarium)
Advisor, Literary Guild, English department, 1995-96
Chair, University Library Committee 1995-96 (elected)
Presenter, Higher Education Colloquium Series, College of Education, 1994 (certificate awarded)
Member, University Library Committee (Faculty Senate representative) 1994-95 (appointed)
Provost's Advisory Committee, Buchtel College Representative, 1994-95 (elected)
Research (Faculty Projects) Committee, 1993-94 (appointed)
Invited Lecture, "Faculty Unionism in Higher Education," Higher Education Colloquium Series, College of Education, 1993 (certificate awarded)
Humanities Representative, Buchtel College, to Faculty Senate, 1993-96 (elected)
Humanities Representative, Buchtel College, to Interim Budget Advisory Committee to the President, 1992-94 (elected)
President, University of 69色情片 Chapter, American Association of University Professors, 1993-96 (elected: see above)
Faculty Member, Student Publication Board, 1990-94
Faculty Adviser, University Gaming Society, 1981-98
English department's Johnson Club Award, 1986
Organizer of English department Colloquium 1976-85
Editor, Increments, nos. 1& 2 (Departmental Newsletter), 1984/51983, Guest Lecturer, 12th Annual Learning at Leisure program, University of 69色情片
Continuing Education Division, September-October: 6 lectures: "Contemporary English Culture in Poetry, Drama and Prose," 1976
69色情片 University T.V series "The Legacy of the American Revolution,” a Bicentennial T.V series, 1975
Organizer and Instructor, Summer Study in England: 1984-1989: program highlights included 1989: Cambridge University Summer School of English Literature, England; Organizer & Instructor, Independent Study (6 students)
1988: Department of English Summer program, Ramsay Hall, London University; Instructor: 1987:: Course: Shakespeare: Text and Performance at Goldsmiths' College, London, England, (Associate Instructor. Dr. Robert Ornstein, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland)
1986: Instructor: Course: Shakespeare: Text and Performance at Bulmershe College, Reading, England
1985: Instructor: Course: Shakespeare: Text & Performance and Wordsworth: Brother and Sister (Wkshp) at Bulmershe College, Reading, England and Brathay, Ambleside, Cumbria, England
1984: Instructor, Course: English Literature II. Bulmershe College, Reading. England
- Relocated successively to the Legends Golf and Country Club, Fiddlesticks Blvd, Ft. Myers 2000-2003 and then to Crown Colony GCC 2003-2012. Florida resident.
- Lecturer in English, Florida Gulf Coast University, two undergraduate courses 2002-03
- Renaissance Academy, FGCU, three short courses on Shakespeare 2002-03
- Lector and Eucharistic Minister, St. Hilary's Episcopal Church, Fort Myers 2006- present.
- Life Master, American Contract Bridge League, 2007
- Vestry member, St. Hilary's, 3 year term 2008, 2022
- School for Ministry Development, Episcopal SouthWest Diocese, enrolled Sep. 2008, one year
- “Shakespeare: His Church and His Bible,” 3 session series at St. Hilary’s Episcopal Church, Fort Myers, and St. James Episcopal Church, Hendersonville, NC, 2009-10
- Stephen Leader training course, Orlando, FL. 2014
- Co-instructor Stephen Ministry Training Courses, St. Hilary’s Episcopal Church, Fort Myers, 2015
- Poetry Workshop leader, Shell Point, 2021-23
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve
- Case Western Reserve University, 1970-73: Ph.D. Jan 1974
- (Thesis: A Critical Edition of Tarltons newes out of Purgatorie (1590) with Introduction and Commentary." Director. Dr. Robert Ornstein)
- Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), 1959-62: M.A. Jan 1966; B.A. (Hons.) June 1962 [Part I History: Part II English]
- Associate Professor Emeritus of English, 2000-present: see University of 69色情片 English Dept. Faculty Emeritus page
- Associate Professor of English, The University of 69色情片. 1986 to 2000 and Chair, Department of English, 1997- 2000. Took the Early Retirement Incentive Program 6/30/2000
- Assistant Professor, 1973- 1986
- Teaching Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, 1970-73
- Assistant Professor of English, Alliance College, 1970
- Instructor, Alliance College, Cambridge Springs, PA, 1968-70
- Adjunct Lecturer in English, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Penna. 1968-69
- Adult Tutor, Littleport Evening College, Cambridge, England, 1967-68
- Assistant English Master, St. Peter's School, York, England, 1962-63
- Royal Air Force (1) Pilot Officer, flying training with RCAF in Canada, 1957-58, (2) Flight Lieutenant, reconnaissance pilot (17 Squadron RAF) serving in Germany with NATO's 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force, 1964-67 in the nuclear strike role
- 69色情片 University: Faculty Improvement Leave, Spring Semester 1997 (For work on G. A. Henty), English juvenile fiction writer
- National Endowment for the Humanities grant to attend the Folger Institute conference "Material London c.1600" 16-18 March, 1995)
- 69色情片 University: Faculty Improvement Leave, Spring Semester 1983. (For work on G. A. Henty)
- 69色情片 University Research Committee Grant ($450 for a visit to the Folger Library, Fall 1977 for the collection of material towards. "A Commentary on Greene's The Spanish Masquerado.")
- Cleveland Area Arts Council Creative Artist Award, 1977 ($750 toward the publication of a collection of my poems)
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar Fellowship, Ohio State University, 1975
- Woodrow Wilson International Dissertation Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, 1972-73
- National Defense Education Act Fellow & University Teaching Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, 1970-72
- H. Schubert Graduate Fellow, Case Western Reserve University, 1970
- Kent County Major Scholarship to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1958
- Royal Air Force Cadet Flying Scholarship 1954
- Faculty Consultant & Reader, (English) Advanced Placement Reading, College Board and Educational Testing Service, Trinity College, San Antonio, Texas, June, 1993-96
- Faculty Reader, GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test), Educational Testing Service, Newark, New Jersey, Oct. 1994-1995
- Reader, National Teacher's Examination (English), Educational Testing Service, appointed 1993
- President, University of 69色情片 AAUP Chapter, 1993-97
- Chair, Steering Committee, UAFP A (University of 69色情片 Faculty and Professional Association), April 1992-May 1995
- Area Chair, British Popular Culture, Midwest Popular Culture Association, 1991-1995
- Area Chair, British and Continental Popular Culture, Popular Culture Association, April 1985-1988
- Advisory Editor, Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography (AEB), 1998-2000
- Assistant Editor, Seventeenth Century News, 1998-2000
- Manuscript reader for Bowling Green Popular Press, 1996
- Manuscript reader for Peter Lang 1993
- Manuscript reader for Medieval and Renaissance Text Society, SUNY at Stonybrook: appointed 1992
- Manuscript reader for Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England (An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews): appointed 1991
- American Association of University Professors
- Directory of American Poets and Writers, 1975
- Ohio Poets in the Schools, appointed 1976
- Malone Society, elected 1975
- Poetry Society of America, elected 1975
- Popular Culture Association, 1980-2000
- Henty Society, 1980-2007
- Renaissance English Text Society, 1989-2000
- FRESHMAN ENGLISH: English Composition 111 and 112; English as a Second Language; Honors Composition; Introduction to the Theatre; Principles of Speech and Rhetoric
- SOPHOMORE: English Literature 1798 to the Present, English Literature, 450-1800; Drama Appreciation; Poetry Appreciation; Shakespeare and His World
- UPPER DIVISION: Shakespeare: The Early Plays; Shakespeare: The Mature Plays; The Age of Milton; English Comedy; Nineteenth Century Romantics; Twentieth Century British and American Poetry; Modern Tragedy; Classic Theatre (mixed media); Eros and Love in Western Art and Literature
- GRADUATE: Modern American Drama; Modern British and Irish Drama; O'Neill, Miller and Williams (seminar); Shakespeare: Text and Performance (seminar); Shakespearean Drama; Modern Critical Theories (seminar); The Computer and Literary Style (seminar); Dickens and London (workshop); Wordsworth: Brother and Sister (workshop)
- Director: Karl Reckner, "Twiddle," [a play and journal] October 1997
- Faculty Reader: Matt Sahr (Theatre Department), December 1996
- Director: Louisa Jartz, "A Computer-Aided Study of Greenes Vision," May 1993
- Faculty Reader: James L. Lunsford (Theatre Department), "The Iceman Cometh: An Analysis of the Premiere and the 1956 Revival, 聽May 1992
- Co-Director: Paul Seman, "Displacement: A Literary Phenomenon," December 1991
- Second Reader: Do-Seon Eur, "The Principal Formation of Contrasts Between Appearance and Essence in Wordsworth's Poems in Lyrical Ballads," December 1991
- Co-Director: Sarah Carter, "Deictic Language, Spotted Horses, and Comedy," May 1987
- Director: Carl Seiple, "Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: The Structural Synthesis of Shakespeare and Beckett," May 1987
- Second Reader: Jeremy Sayers, "Either Side of the Present," January 1987
- Second Reader: He Dang, "Pearl S. Buck's Literary Offenses: Her Chinese Novels," January 1987
- Committee Member, Ian Stuart (Theatre Department), "Dreamplay: A Production Document in Directing," May 1986
- Co-Director: Jacquie Skrzypiec, 鈥淎n Analysis of the Style of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four," December 1985
- Director: Jacqueline Day, "The Disease Motif in the Drama of Harold Pinter,鈥 August 1985
- Director: Jean Knepley, "A Concordance of Tarltons Newes Out of Purgatorie,"
- December 1984
- Director: Beverly A. Gadel, "John Millington Synge: His Treatment of His Sources," September 1984
- Director: Qi-xin He, "On Translating Shakespeare into Chinese," August, 1983