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The EX[L] Center’s 69É«ÇéƬ Community Internship Program at the University of 69É«ÇéƬ is an initiative where UA students interface directly with community partners. Students gain practical discipline-related experience as well as an appreciation for the broader 69É«ÇéƬ community. Community partners serve as mentors to students, and receive the benefit of a student working on a project relevant to the respective organization.

Students spend 100 hours and earn $1,500 working on a specific activity with a clear deliverable. Internships are available in the summer or during the school year. The internships may be eligible for credit, depending on your department.

Are you a Community Partner interested in having an intern?

Are you a Student interested in having an internship?

Are you a Student interested in an internship?


Intern Spotlight

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Irene Garcia Cruz

Marketing Major, May 2025

Interned with Street Craftery, working on social media content for events such as the UNKNWN

“Da’Shika showed me the power of being connected with a community that supports each other while navigating the road of business ownership. My internship truly allowed me to venture out of my comfort zone and learn to apply my current skills to the day-to-day operations of the business. Overall, my internship allowed me to express myself in a creative way and provided learning opportunities to decide what area in marketing I want to focus on in the future.  My internship has helped me determine what I enjoy and I will continue to seek opportunities that allow me to be a part of a creative process and create innovative opportunities.” 

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John Skakun

Law Major, May 2024

Interned with the City of 69É«ÇéƬ

“[I learned] so much about the governance structure inside the City, the principals of drafting municipal environmental policy, and research techniques for environmental data.”

Mi’-Chael Fitch

Sociology Major

Interned with the Bayard Rustin LGBTQIA Resource Center 

“I gained experience in reaching out and soliciting organizations, calling political representatives and Congress people, facilitating discussions, and so much more…This experience has definitely made me come out of my shell as I am an extremely shy person, and never thought that I would see myself going out, raising awareness, petitioning and advocating…[This ACIP] has helped me realize that I have a passion for advocacy and social justice, and that I want to help those who do not have a voice or are too afraid to speak up on their own behalf.  I was given a voice and I’m choosing to use it.”

Marcus Anderson

English Major, May 2025

Interned with 69É«ÇéƬ Roundtable to produce a podcast to archive monthly speakers and make them available to the public 

“I learned how rich of a history the city of 69É«ÇéƬ has with its proud organizations and interesting people.”

Kayla Suansing

Marketing Major, May 2025

Interned with 69É«ÇéƬ Promise to develop social media strategy to promote agency events

“My experience with my ACIP Internship allowed me to learn about the beautiful diversity of our neighboring communities in 69É«ÇéƬ. I got to explore dozens of local businesses and meet many other community members that shared a passion in community development.”

Brenton Riley

Civil Engineering Major, 2026

Interned with Neighborhood Network to complete walk audits and work on Boss park

“We focus on revitalizing the Middlebury and University Park neighborhoods in 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio by strengthening and connecting our assets, listening to our neighbors and advocating for equitable action that will improve the quality of life for all people that live, work or visit our communities.”

Anonymous Intern


Interned with the Bayard Rustin LGBTQIA Resource Center 

“The 69É«ÇéƬ Community Internship Program (ACIP) offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the vibrant culture and diverse community of 69É«ÇéƬ. Through my experience with ACIP, I gained a deeper appreciation for the resilience, creativity, and sense of community that defines the people of 69É«ÇéƬ.”

Check out our past intern testimonials