For questions and additional information please contact:
Exectutive Director, School of Nursing
The University of 69É«ÇéƬ
69É«ÇéƬ, OH 44325–3701
Honors Project Course Information
NURS:480—Senior Honors Project (1–4 credits)
Prerequisites: Honors Program Student, NURS:435 (Honors Designated Section)
Completion and presentation of an original investigation of a significant topic or creative work which must meet high standards of scholarship.
General Information
The Senior Honors Project allows opportunities for nursing honors students to explore and investigate a specific area of interest that relates to their undergraduate studies.
The purpose of the nursing honors project is to provide experiences of conducting research and systematic reviews of evidence about a practice problem. During honors project work, students apply the research and evidence-based practice process, which they will continue to use in professional practice. Further, the project builds a foundation for advanced studies.
Getting Started
Once you are accepted to the School of Nursing, you will be notified of your enrollment in an ongoing Nursing Honors Brightspace site, which includes
- News announcements about deadlines and opportunities
- Resources for nursing honors students, especially related to the senior honors proposal and project
- Reminders to sophomore nursing honors students about enrolling in the honors section of Nursing Research during the junior-level year
- Reminders to junior and senior nursing honors students about project progression
Writing Your Honors Project Proposal
During your junior year in the SON and your enrollment in the honors section of 8200:435 Nursing Research, you will:
- Form an honors project team
- Identify a focus for your honors project
- Connect with a faculty project sponsor and readers
- Develop either a research proposal or the first half of your systematic review
- Submit the Honors Research Project Proposal to the Williams Honors College
- Complete a Qualtrics survey distinguishing how you want to enroll in Seniors Honors Project independent study credits
Getting Finished
Once you have completed the Nursing Research course, you and your project team will continue project work, which includes:
- University IRB approval, if you are conducting a research project and collecting data from human subjects
- Meeting with your sponsor regularly to set deadlines, review sponsor feedback on drafts, and discuss progress. This ensures that you and your team are progressing with your project and constructing quality final products
- Earning independent study credit for your project
- Reading and responding to emails from key SON honors faculty about deadlines and opportunities
- Referring to resources in the ongoing Nursing Honors Brightspace site for project information, including the recommended grading guidelines for final project papers
- Distributing your final paper to the project sponsor and readers during early spring semester of your senior year, and revising the paper, based on reader feedback and with sponsor supervision
- Submitting the final paper and signature sheet to Williams Honors College by the deadline
- Presenting a poster about your project at events sponsored by University of 69É«ÇéƬ, Williams Honors College, College of Health Professions, School of Nursing, or professional organizations.
General Guidelines
- You must receive a grade of "B" or higher on your Honors Research Project to graduate as an Honors Scholar. If you do not achieve this grade you may still meet the requirements to graduate as an undergraduate student in your major. Please contact your Honors Advisor for more information.
- When there are multiple students involved in an Honors Research Project, each student should be included as authors on the final report, even if they are not part of the Williams Honors College. Every student should receive the proper recognition for thier contributions.
- Every committee must be composed of a Sponsor and two Readers. More information on these roles is available here.
- Students expecting to work on an honors project involving the use of human subjects should be aware that such projects may need to be evaluated by the University of 69É«ÇéƬ Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB reviews all proposals for research involving human participants to insure appropriate ethical and safety standards are observed. Depending on the nature of the proposed research, IRB review and approval may be required prior to moving forward with your study. In the same way, any research involving live animals will require review by the University of 69É«ÇéƬ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC). Please communicate with your project sponsor regarding the need for IRB or ACUC consideration as it relates to your specific project. Information concerning research applications and review procedures can be obtained via the University of 69É«ÇéƬ Office of Research Administration (ORA).