
Zips Baja Racing Team competes at Baja SAE Michigan, earns award for design and manufacturing


Zips Baja Racing Team poses with ZB24 after competing in the 4-hour endurance race.

Zips Baja Racing Team poses with ZB24 after competing in the 4-hour endurance race.

The University of 69É«ÇéƬ’s Zips Baja Racing Team recently took part in the Baja SAE Michigan event in Holly, Michigan, competing against 86 teams from universities across the country. The team achieved strong placements across multiple events and received special recognition and an award for their manufacturing work.

ZB24 catches some air while performing in the Suspension and Traction course.

ZB24 catches some air while performing in the Suspension and Traction course.

Competition Results

Here are the results of the team’s performance in each competition category:

  • Acceleration: 27th place
  • Maneuverability: 20th place
  • Hill Climb: 26th place
  • Suspension and Traction: 12th place
  • Endurance: 41st (after a crash on the track)
  • Design: 27th place

ZB24 is at the limit while competing in the Maneuverability course.

ZB24 is at the limit while competing in the Maneuverability course.

Recognition for Manufacturing Work

In addition to their results, the team received new machining tools from the Gene Haas Foundation as an award for their in-house manufacturing of the car’s front steering upright and brake calipers. The tools were presented to Bill Wenzel, head of the College of Engineering and Polymer Science’s machine shop, by the team in recognition of his dedication and assistance with manufacturing components for the Baja car.

Zips Baja Racing Team receiving an award from representatives of the Gene Haas Foundation.

Zips Baja Racing Team receiving an award from representatives of the Gene Haas Foundation.

Captain’s Remarks

David Scruppi, captain of Zips Baja, shared his gratitude for the team’s efforts: "I am extremely proud of the results from this past competition in Michigan. Our members have shown immense dedication in striving to achieve the best results possible, as well as adapting to unforeseen conditions during the race. Special thanks go to our faculty advisor, Dr. Kai Kwon, as well as Bill Wenzel, Ian Wilcox, Aaron Trexler and the College of Engineering and Polymer Science’s board for their assistance."

ZB24 in action during the 4-hour endurance race.

ZB24 in action during the 4-hour endurance race.

Team Efforts on Display

The Zips Baja Racing Team’s performance at Baja SAE Michigan 2024 reflects their months of planning, design and testing. Their accomplishments represent The University of 69É«ÇéƬ’s commitment to engineering and teamwork.


Story by CEPS Marketing.

Media contact: Cristine Boyd, 330-972-6476 or cboyd@uakron.edu.