

In this age of globalization, study of a foreign language, such as Spanish, is understanding diverse, culturally rooted behaviors, attitudes and communication. With a background in the humanities, graduates can think creatively, communicate effectively and work with diverse populations preparing them to enter graduate school or the workforce respectively. Our faculty are innovative, interactive and ready to guide you through your undergraduate career in Spanish. 

After completing Spanish 202 and before taking further departmental offerings. The following steps MUST be taken:

  • Sign up for an advisor in the Department of Modern Languages. Your advising home base must be transferred from the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Register for Spanish 301 (Conversation) and/or Spanish 308 (Conversation for Health Professionals and First Responders), Spanish 302 (Composition) and Spanish 303 (Grammar). You may take these courses in any order, but you must have them all in place as prerequisites to other courses in the program.
  • When you have completed two 300-level courses, it is recommended that you take Spanish 360 (Intro to Hispanic Culture through Film) (Spring). Once you have an advisor in the department and have completed Spanish 301-303.

One of the following must be completed prior to taking the culture courses:
  • Spanish 401 Advanced Conversation (Fall)
  • Spanish 402 Advanced Composition (Spring)
  • Spanish 403 Advanced Grammar (Spring) *requires 303 as a prerequisite
  • Up to 10 credits of service learning projects (requires special permission)
  • 6-12 credits for Spanish 300/400 level electives through Valladolid Summer Study Abroad in Spain. For more information about Study Abroad contact Kirstin Polen de Campi.

The final tier of advanced courses includes:
  • Any course with a number of 404 or higher, as well as Spanish 351 (Spanish for Professionals: Business).
  • With the 401/402/403 sequence complete, you will be well prepared to take any culture course; SPAN 431 or SPAN 432.

Oral Proficiency Interview
  • During the final semester before graduation, all Spanish Majors and double Majors are required to complete an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) with a certified faculty tester.

*Note: All courses must be taken for a grade; CR/NCR cannot be used.

All applicable courses must be passed with a grade of C or better to count toward fulfillment of the major requirements.


The requirements for a Major in Spanish are 28 credits beyond Spanish 202, including at least one course at the 400 level in both of the following areas: (a) language/linguistics and (b) culture.

Study abroad and other transfer credits may apply toward the major, but a minimum of 14 credits must be taken at The University of 69É«ÇéƬ


SPAN 201 - 3 CR.

Students will acquire language competence through use of culturally authentic materials, with emphasis on developing accuracy and self-expression in a wide range of situations. 

Prereqs: SPAN 102 or equivalent.

SPAN 202 - 3 CR.

Continuing acquisition of competence through use of culturally authentic materials, with emphasis on developing accuracy and self-expression in a wide range of situations.

Prereqs: SPAN 201 or equivalent.

SPAN 301 - 3 CR.

Students will improve their oral expression by means of learning new vocabulary, class conversations and presentations. May be repeated for a total of six credits.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

SPAN 302 - 3 CR. 

Students will improve their writing skills, and will be asked interact with each other and their professor to gain a better understanding of the Spanish language.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

SPAN 303 - 3 CR. 

 Students will acquire knowledge of the uses of all simple and compound tenses as well as proper use of indicative and subjective moods in their proper clauses.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

SPAN 305 - 3 CR. 

Study of business terminology as well as cultural factors affecting the conduct of business with Hispanic nations and populations. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or instructor permission.

SPAN 307 - 3 CR.

Students will gain intermediate to advanced level oral competency in Spanish in order to conduct interviews and communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in a medical setting. 

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

SPAN 308 - 3 CR. 

Students will gain intermediate to advanced level written competency in Spanish, write and translate documents so to communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in the medical setting.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent.

SPAN 311 - 1-6 CR. 

Student's residence and study in a Spanish-speaking country. Repeatable once with different content, 12 credits maximum. Only 9 credits may be applied to Spanish minor.

Prereqs: SPAN 202 or equivalent. May be taken for a variable number of credits.

SPAN 360 - 3 CR. 

An articulation and analysis of important themes in contemporary Hispanic culture presented through film. An introduction to film criticism. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: Completion of two of the following courses: [SPAN 301 or SPAN 302 or SPAN 303].

SPAN 401 - 3 CR. 

This is an advanced conversation course whose goal is to help students increase their level of oral proficiency through a variety of oral exercises beyond what was achieved in SPAN 301.

Prereqs: SPAN 301 and SPAN 302 or 303.

SPAN 402 - 3 CR. 

Students will write letters, simple summaries, narrations, invitations at the intermediate high-advanced low level of proficiency (or higher) according to the most recent ACTFL guidelines. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: SPAN 302 and SPAN 301 or 303.

SPAN 403 - 3 CR.

This course is the advanced study of Spanish syntax and grammatical analysis. Students will be expected to identify and reproduce all proper sentence components and verb forms.  Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: SPAN 303 and SPAN 301 or 302.

SPAN 422 - 1-4 CR.

Development of specialized language skills or reading of significant works of literature or culture not studied in other upper-level courses. This course may be repeated and is available for variable credits.

Prereqs: Permission from instructor.

SPAN 431 - 4 CR. 

This course will cover the study of society, customs, history, art, music, etc. of Spain, from a Hispanic perspective. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: Two (2) courses from the group (SPAN 401, SPAN 402, SPAN 403) or Permission from Instructor.

SPAN 432 - 4 CR. 

Overview and historical survey of Spanish American civilization and culture. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: Two (2) courses from the group (SPAN 401, SPAN 402, SPAN 403) or permission from Instructor.

SPAN 497 - 1-3 CR. 

Individual study under the guidance of professor. This course can be taken for anywhere from 1-3 credits. Conducted in Spanish.

Prereqs: Department and Instructor permission.



Dr. Cruz-Martes is the Spanish program advisor at the University of 69É«ÇéƬ. 

Click here to e-mail


Studying abroad is just one of the ways to enhance your education and gain real world experience .

Study Abroad with Us!


More information on Sigma Delta Pi coming soon! We are in the process of reinstating our chapter here at the University.

Coming Soon!


These groups are not part of the Department but we want to highlight them nonetheless!



Want to find out how a concentration in Spanish can enrich your career path? Please visit our careers page to learn more about how a knowledge of Spanish can benefit you! 

Click here!


Here you will find links to our social media accounts, events, updates and more! This is a great way to interact with the Department as well as other Spanish majors & minors!