Dr. Toshikazu Miyoshi
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Office: GDYR 723
Phone: 330-972-6269
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: miyoshi@uakron.edu
Toshikazu Miyoshi is a NMR spectroscopist of polymers. Prior to joining The University of 69色情片 in 2010, he spent almost ten years as a researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. His undergraduate degrees are in Polymer Science (Univ. of Hokkaido); his graduate degrees are in Chemistry from Kyoto University; and his postdoctoral research was in the study of NMR spectroscopy for fluoropolymers at the Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany.
Miyoshi’s research interests include development of new tools for characterization of polymer structure and dynamics using solid-state NMR spectroscopy, structure and dynamics of glassy and semicrystalline polymers, block-copolymers, supramolecules, biomolecules, nanomaterials and carbon fibers.
- Solid-state NMR spectroscopy of polymers
- Structure and dynamics of polymers, block-copolymers, supramolecules, polymer blends
- Effects of surface area and porosity on behavior of IL molecules in meso and macroporous polymeric networks
1 Dec 2020 Polymer 211:123081
Raut P, Yuan S, Miyoshi T, - Elucidating the Molecular Interactions of Encapsulated Doxorubicin within a Nonionic, Thermoresponsive Polyester Coacervate
20 Jul 2020 ACS Applied Bio Materials 3(7):4626-4634
Kundu M, Morris DL, Cruz MA, Miyoshi T, Leeper TC, - Effects of Rigid Amorphous Fraction and Lamellar Crystal Orientation on Electrical Insulation of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Films
26 May 2020 Macromolecules 53(10):3967-3977
Li Y, Makita Y, Zhang G, Rui G, Li Z-M, Zhong G-J, Miyoshi T, Huang H-D, - Mechanism of UVA Degradation of Synthetic Eumelanin.
9 Dec 2019 Biomacromolecules 20(12):4593-4601
Li W, Wang Z, Xiao M, Miyoshi T, Yang X, Hu Z, Liu C, , Shawkey MD, Gianneschi NC, - Selective Observation of Chemical Structures at Surface and Core Regions of Heat-treated Poly(Acrylonitrile) Films by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
12 Nov 2019 Macromolecules 52(21):8384-8393
Ma J, Nagashima H, Wang S, Liu XR, Hong Y-L, Zhang R, Miyoshi T - Intramolecular and Intermolecular Packing in Polymer Crystallization
25 Jun 2019 Macromolecules 52(12):4739-4748
Wang S, Yuan S, Wang K, Chen W, Yamada K, Barkley D, Koga T, Hong Y-L, Miyoshi T - Modulating the crystallinity, mechanical properties, and degradability of poly(ε-caprolactone) derived polyesters by statistical and alternating copolymerization
21 May 2019 Polymer Chemistry 10(20):2579-2588
Liu Q, Yuan S, Guo Y, Narayanan A, Peng C, Wang S, Miyoshi T, - Tuning the Intercage Distance in Charge鈥怰egulated Blackberry鈥怲ype Assemblies through Host–Guest Chemistry
17 Apr 2019 Chemistry - A European Journal 25(22):5803-5808
Li H, Wang R, Hong Y, Liang Z, Shen Y, Nishiyama Y, Miyoshi T, - CHAPTER: Chapter 14 Structure and Molecular Dynamics of Semicrystalline Polymers as Studied by Solid-state NMR
1 Jan 2019 NMR Methods for Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Polymers 299-324
Zheng Z, Ma J, Wang K, Jin F, Miyoshi T - Nonenzymatic RNA Oligomerization at the Mineral–Water Interface: An Insight into the Adsorption–Polymerization Relationship
27 Dec 2018 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122(51):29386-29397
Kaddour H, Gerislioglu S, Dalai P, Miyoshi T, Wesdemiotis C,
- 1997 Ph.D. Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan
- 1994 M.S. Polymer Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
- 1992 B.S. Polymer Science, Hokkaido University, Japan