Varian INOVA 750
KNCL 132bSolids & Solution
This is a research-grade 750 MHz NMR instrument. It was upgraded in fall 2011 with a new console based on Agilent DD2 electronics. In addition to the tremendous dispersion and sensitivity which this instrument provides, it is outfitted with accessories to perform virtually every known NMR experiment. Some accessories available are: 1H/13C/15N probe with cryogenically cooled rf coils (to increase signal-to-noise levels by almost five-fold), five broadband rf channels, a broadband lock channel, 5 and 10 mm probes for observation of every nucleus in the periodic table, indirect detection probes, pulsed field gradients, variable temperature, triple resonance accessory with probes to simultaneously irradiate 1H/13C/X (where X is any nucleus with a resonance frequency between those of 15N and 19F, and waveform generators for selective excitation. The instrument is also equipped with solid-state NMR accessories including: an ultra-high speed (60 kHz) 1H/19F/X/Y magic angle spinning (MAS) probe, 80 MHz digitizer and high power amplifiers for simultaneous 1H and 19F decoupling and wideline NMR. Once the field strength of this instrument is reached, most new capabilities are provided by advancements in computers, software and radiofrequency electronics. The upgraded console provides improved solid state NMR performance, has five rf channels for more flexible performance of multiple resonance experiments, has two receiver channels for simultaneous detection of NMR spectra from two nuclei, and has dramatically improved rf performance for experiments requiring fast (sub microsecond) amplitude and phase shifting.
Instrument rates for U69É«ÇéƬ user can be found on the Instrument Rates page.
Samples for this instrument must be submitted with a lower field NMR; spectrum to verify the suitability of the sample. Users who have a regular need for this instrument's capabilities in their research and who have demonstrated proficiency on the INOVA 400 can be checked out to use this instrument.
The nature and variety of experiments which are performed on this instrument require that time be scheduled at least one (1) week in advance. Contact Dr. Venkat Dudipala by NOON on Thursdays to request instrument time for the following week.
Acknowledgments: Users who publish papers including data from this instrument should include the following statement: We wish to thank the Kresge Foundation and donors to the Kresge Challenge Program at The University of 69É«ÇéƬ for funds used to purchase the NMR instrument used in this work.