
Undergraduate Programs

We are proud of the diverse undergraduate majors offered in the School of Education. We offer both teacher licensure and endorsement programs.

How to apply to undergraduate programs

Our teacher licensure programs are fully accredited and lead to becoming a fully licensed educator in the State of Ohio.

Click the program name for the curriculum guide.

Grades K - 12

Single Fields with Licensure

    Dual Science Fields with Licensure

    PK-12 Multi-Age Licensure

    More information:

    For information on Post baccalaureate programs and an Endorsement contact academic advisors listed below.

    • Post baccalaureate programs
      PITP, Middle Level, AYA, Mild/Moderate, and Moderate/Intensive post baccalaureate programs.

    • Middle Level Generalist (Grades 4-6) Endorsement
      UA offers this endorsement, which is an additional content area that can be added to an existing middle level licensure (Grade 4-9, initial teacher licensure). Endorsements are officially recognized areas by the Ohio Department of Education.

    Undergraduate Student Advising

    If you are not yet admitted to the School of Education, please contact the adviser based on your last name:

    Student's Last names: A-J

    Anthony LoVullo headshot
    Anthony LoVullo, Academic Adviser Sr.

    Arts & Sciences, Room 118
    Email: Ajl46@uakron.edu

    Student's last name K-Z

    beyer.jpgRachel Ruic

    Arts & Sciences, Room 118

    Other Advising

    Postbaccalaureate programs
    Email: cis_info@uakron.edu

    Graduate advising
    Email: Dr. Pachnowski