Dr. Karen Plaster

Karen B. Plaster

Professor of Practice
Elementary Mathematics & Integrating Engineering


Selected Presentations

Plaster, K., Pachnowski, L.M. & Green, S. (2019 October). Blending Entrepreneurship and STEM Education: From Think Tank to Shark Tank. Presented at Ohio Council for the Social Studies (OCSS): Columbus, Ohio.

Plaster, K. & Ronnebaum, B.  (2019, February). Robotics FIRST in Class. Presented at Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC): Columbus, Ohio.

Plaster, K. (2018, November). Robotics FIRST. Presented at Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM): Breaking it Down and Enhancing the “M”: University Heights, Ohio.

Walsh, V.L. & Plaster, K. (2018, November). Join the Maker Movement. Presented at Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM): Breaking it Down and Enhancing the “M”: University Heights, Ohio.

Pachnowski, L.M. & Plaster, K. (2018, November). Girls Who Code Clubs and other Coding Topics. Presented at Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCCTM): Breaking it Down and Enhancing the “M”: University Heights, Ohio.

Plaster, K. & Martin-Clay, A. (2018, October). Robotics FIRST. Presented at NEOSTREAM Educators Day: Cleveland, Ohio. 

Plaster, K., Pachnowski, L., & Baylor, L. (2018, June). Girls Who Code Programs in 69É«ÇéƬ and Canton: Show and Tell. Presented at APS3T: Teach Tech Transform Conference: 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Plaster, K. (2018, February). Egg Carton Math. Presented at the annual Greater 69É«ÇéƬ Mathematics Educators Society(GAMES): 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Plaster, K., & Pachnowski, L. (2017, October). Coding Mashup. Presented at the 67th Annual Ohio Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Columbus, Ohio.

Pachnowski, L. & Plaster, K. (2017, October). Why the Recent Emphasis on Coding? And What can Schools and Teacher Preparation Programs do to Take Advantage of the Momentum? Presented at the 67th Annual Ohio Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Columbus, Ohio.

Ronnebaum, B. & Plaster, K. (2017, October). Did You Know that you Can Program LEGO Bricks?  Presented at the 67th Annual Ohio Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Columbus, Ohio.

Walls, J. & Plaster, K. (2017, February). Hands on High School! Presented at the annual Greater 69É«ÇéƬ Mathematics Educators Society(GAMES): 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Makki, N., Holliday, G.M., & Plaster, K. (2016, December). Shaping teaching practice through field-based action research. Presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference: Columbus, Ohio.

Plaster, K. (2016, November). Is there an App (or Website) for that? Presented at the Greater 69É«ÇéƬ Mathematics Educators Society (GAMES): 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Plaster, K., Broadway, F. (2016, October). Patterns in Art. Presented at the 66th Annual Ohio Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Sandusky, Ohio.

Plaster, K., (2016, October). A Fresh Look at Abstract. Presented at the 66th Annual Ohio Conference of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Sandusky, Ohio

Makki, N., Evans, E., & Plaster, K. (2016, April). Teachers' Understandings and Perceptions in an Engineering Design Course for Educators. Presented at 2016 National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference: Baltimore, MD.

Plaster, K. (2016, February). Math Classroom Technology.  Presented at the annual Greater 69É«ÇéƬ Mathematics Educators Society(GAMES): 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Plaster, K. (2016, February). How do you use technology in your classroom?  Presented at the annual Greater 69É«ÇéƬ Mathematics Educators Society (GAMES): 69É«ÇéƬ, Ohio.

Holliday, G.M., Makki, N., & Plaster, K. (2015, March). Woodrow Wilson fellows: Shaping teaching practice through field-based action research. Presented at the annual national meeting of the National Science Teachers Association(NSTA): Chicago, IL.

Plaster, K., Maguth, B.M., & Holliday, G. M. (2015, March). Think Tank to Shark Tank Camp. Presented at the annual national meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA): Chicago, IL.

Plaster, K., Jorgenson, A. (2014, November). Learn About FIRST LEGO League.  Presented at the annual state meeting of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM): Cleveland, OH.

Liang, X., Pachnowski, L., Plaster, K., & Holliday, G.M. (2104, April). An analysis of career changers’ need in a clinical immersed STEM teacher preparation program. Paper accepted and presented to the annual international meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA): Philadelphia, PA.

Holliday, G.M., Makki, N., & Plaster, K. (2014, April). Woodrow Wilson fellows: Shaping teaching practice through field-based action research. Presented to the annual national meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA): Boston, MA.