Learn more about the Philosophy Degree
PHILOSOPHY BA – Philosophy will enhance your understanding of yourself, your values, your beliefs, and the fundamental nature of the world around you. It teaches you to think more critically, listen more carefully, and communicate more clearly and concisely. These skills give you marketability in any number of arenas.SOCIAL SCIENCES PPE BA – The Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics Departments have collaborated to create the Social Sciences Division PPE track. This interdisciplinary degree consists of courses from all 3 departments and can open the door to graduate study in any of these disciplines as well as law school. Learn more about the PPE Degree
SOCIAL SCIENCES PSP BA – The Philosophy, Sociology, and Psychology Departments have collaborated to create the Social Sciences Division PSP track degree. This interdisciplinary degree consists of courses from all 3 departments and focuses on Understanding Ourselves and Others. Learn more about the PSP Degree
PHILOSOPHY/JD BA 3+3 Accelerated Program – The Philosophy Department and the School of Law have collaborated to create a program that allows you to complete a BA in Philosophy and a Juris Doctor degree in six years rather than seven. Learn more about the 3+3 Philosophy BA/JD Program overview and see the Philosophy BA/JD Curriculum.
PHILOSOPHY BA + Early Assurance Pathway (EAP) – The Philosophy Department and Pre-Professional Health Advising have collaborated to create a Pre-Med Philosophy Degree which allows you to simultaneously major in Philosophy while satisfying all the requirements for the EAP program. Learn more about the Pre-Med Philosophy Degree
Our certificate programs are open to all students in any major, whether seeking a degree or not.
- : Enhance your knowledge of ethical decision-making in policing
- : Understand better and navigate philosophical issues associated with artificial intelligence
- : Examine the issues and effects our individual and collective choices have on us and society at large
Students in any major can pursue a minor in philosophy. Some of these minors are interdisciplinary and incorporate courses from other departments on campus to help meet the requirements.
The Philosophy Department offers courses on a variety of philosophical topics that stress the development of skills in critical thinking, critical writing, analysis of texts, and reconstruction and evaluation of arguments.
How to Declare a Philosophy Major or Minor
How to Complete an Honors Project in Philosophy
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