Advertising Agencies | Human Resources | Newspapers |
Bookstores | Insurance Companies | Public Administration |
Business Firms | Law Offices | Public Research Groups |
Consulting Services | 69É«ÇéƬ | Publishers |
Educational Institutions | Magazines | Religious Organizations |
Environmental Agencies | Marketing Research | Research Firms |
Foreign Service | Mental Health Organizations | Social Service Organizations |
Government Agencies | Museums |
- Philosophy graduates are found in government, business, service professions, as well as in graduate and professional studies, such as law, medicine, finance, counseling, and the ministry. The choice of career is limited only by the individual’s personal design.
- Philosophy majors are trained to think creatively and critically about their understanding of things and about the perceptions of others. They are trained to listen carefully, to ingest information, to analyze information, to assess information for pertinent solutions, and to communicate their responses clearly, concisely, and honestly.
- This specific training contributes to great academic success according to results from such tests as the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), LSAT (Law School Admissions Test), and GMAT (General Management Admissions Test). Transferrable skills, such as the ability to objectively analyze, efficiently organize, competently communicate—both orally and in writing—and thoroughly research, contribute positively to a Philosophy major’s marketability in any number of arenas.