University Rules

2010 Rules Updates

NOTE: Rules are listed in the order they were filed with the state. Accordingly, the most recently filed rules will be listed at the end of the table.

Rule Number Title Reason for Change Status Effective Date
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 1/20/10
Filed 3/29/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 1/20/10
Filed 3/29/10
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 3/24/10
Filed 4/22/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 3/24/10
Filed 4/22/10
3359-01-02 Officers of the Board and their Duties Eliminates the title of Vice President of Board Operations Passed by BOT 4/28/10
Filed 5/13/10
3359-11-07 Sixty Plus Program Clarifies that students in the Sixty Plus Program will not incur charges for any fees that are not charged to all students in the same course Passed by BOT 4/28/10
Filed 5/13/10
3359-11-15 Reemployment Procedures for Retirees Other than Retirees Who Elected to Retire Under a University of 69É«ÇéƬ Early Retirement Incentive Program for All Employees Other Than Bargaining Unit Faculty Eliminates a reference to University Rule 3359-11-14, Reemployment Guidelines for Superannuates, which has been rescinded Passed by BOT 4/28/10
Filed 5/13/10
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 4/28/10
Filed 5/13/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT
Filed 5/13/10
3359-60-03.6 Graduation Modifies the graduation with honors requirements to include that grade-point averages will be rounded to the nearest hundredth Passed by BOT 4/28/10
Filed 5/13/10
3359-2-02 Organization of Instruction Reflects change in College of Fine and Applied Arts to College of Creative and Professional Arts and College of Health Sciences and Human Services Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-2-03 University 69É«ÇéƬ Administration Removes language for Dean, University 69É«ÇéƬ because the language was modified in May 2008 and included in Rule 3359-2-01 Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-11-04 A Faculty Improvement Program for Faculty in the School of Law Clarifies the compensation and benefits that a faculty member in the School of Law receives while participating in a faculty improvement program leave Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-20-02 Organization of the University Reflects change in College of Fine and Applied Arts to College of Creative and Professional Arts and College of Health Sciences and Human Services Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-20-03 The Faculty: General Personnel Policies Reflects change in College of Fine and Applied Arts to College of Creative and Professional Arts and College of Health Sciences and Human Services Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-20-03.7 Guidelines for the Initial Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion of Regular Faculty Reflects change in College of Fine and Applied Arts to College of Creative and Professional Arts and College of Health Sciences and Human Services Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-41-01 Code of Student Conduct of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ This new Rule replaces Rules 3359-41-01 to 3359-41-08, which have been rescinded Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/25/10
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/28/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 6/16/10
Filed 6/28/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 8/4/10
Filed 9/2/10
3359-2-01 Officers of the Academic Administration This Rule is being RESCINDED in order to establish the Office of Academic Affairs Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-2-01 The Office of Academic Affairs This new Rule and new Rule 3359-2-01.1 are enacted following the rescission of Rule 3359-2-01 Officers of the Academic Administration Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-2-01.1 Deans of the Degree-Granting and Professional Colleges and Schools This new Rule and new Rule 3359-2-01 are enacted following the rescission of Rule 3359-2-01 Officers of the Academic Administration Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-9-02 General Academic and Administrative Personnel Matters Revisions proposed by the Provost's Office to provide greater flexibility and recruitment efforts particularly for research faculty Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-20-03.7 Guidelines for Initial Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion of Regular Faculty This Rule is being RESCINDED as it is superseded by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between The University of 69É«ÇéƬ and the 69É«ÇéƬ-AAUP Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-20-03.10 Guidelines for Initial Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion of Full-Time Faculty in the School of Law New Rule to clarify guidelines for faculty in the School of Law Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-24-01 Bylaws of the Graduate Faculty Addresses the membership size of standing committees of the Graduate Council as a result of the division of the former College of Fine and Applied Arts into the College of Creative and Professional Arts and the College of Health Sciences and Human Services Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-46-01 Motor Vehicle, Traffic and Parking Regulations Requires all persons who wish to utilize disability or general parking with their state-issued disability placard to purchase and display a University disability parking permit Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-60-06.1 Graduate Student Admission Requirements Changes the length of time for which a graduate student's admission is valid from two years to one year and adjusts the application fee for Graduate School Passed by BOT 10/6/10
Filed 10/12/10
3359-1-03 Committees of the Board Adds Trusteeship Committee

Passed by BOT 8/4/10 Filed 11/12/10

3359-1-03 Committees of the Board Changes name of Strategic Issues, Governance and Compliance Committee to Strategic Issues Committee Passed by BOT 12/15/10 Filed 12/16/10 12/26/10
3359-22-01 Contract Professional Information Most contract professionals now will benefit from continuous employment without the need for the issuance of annual contracts.  Contract professionals who are to be separated without cause from service with the University will continue to be given either six months’ or three months’ notice, depending upon their length of UA service. The most significant difference from previous practice is that notice now can occur at any time, rather than being dictated by the term of an annual contract.

Passed by BOT 12/15/10 Filed 12/16/10

3359-22-05 Contract Professional Grievance Procedures Provides additional details regarding a name-clearing hearing process in connection with a contract professional's separation from employment "without cause" or termination from employment "for cause." Passed by BOT 12/15/10 Filed 12/16/10 12/26/10
3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update Passed by BOT 12/15/10 Filed 12/22/10 1/1/11
3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 12/15/10 Filed 12/22/10
