University Rules
2014 Rules Updates
NOTE: Rules are listed in the order they were filed with the state. Accordingly, the most recently filed rules will be listed at the end of the table.
Rule Number | Title | Reason for Change | Status | Effective Date |
3359-20-05.2 | Curricular Changes | Expedites the process for approving proposals to change only the mode of delivery of instruction - revisions approved by Faculty Senate at its meeting on 12/5/13. Grammatical errors also corrected. |
Passed by BOT 2/5/14 Filed 2/11/14 |
2/21/14 |
3359-20-06.1 | Part-Time Faculty Appointments | Clarifies the employment status of part-time faculty (revision on page 4), as approved by Faculty Senate at its meeting on 12/5/13. Grammatical and redundancy errors also corrected. |
Passed by BOT 2/5/14 Filed 2/11/14 |
2/21/14 |
3359-25-06 | Classified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 2/5/14 Filed 2/11/14 |
2/21/14 |
3359-25-07 | Unclassified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 2/5/14 Filed 2/11/14 |
2/21/14 |
3359-11-01 | Sick Leave for School of Law Faculty, Contract Professionals, Classified, Unclassified Exempt Staff and Other Non-Bargaining Unit Faculty | Updates Rule title to include "other non-bargaining unit faculty," adds same sex domestic partner to definition of immediate family, removes language in (C)(8) that was abolished in 2000, and changes sick leave from days to hours in (E) |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-11-02 | Family and Medical Leave, Leave of Absence, Paid Maternity Leave, Paid Paternity Leave, Paid Adoptive and Foster Parent Leave and Vacations for Employees Other Than Bargaining Unit Faculty | Changes vacation from days to hours, along with a few grammatical corrections |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-11-03 | Vacation Policy for Full-Time, Twelve-Month Faculty, Other Than Bargaining Unit Faculty, Contract Professionals, and Unclassified Exempt Staff | Strikes references to days in (A), as well as changes days to hours in (C). Strikes (C)(2) since the University does not reference how payoffs will be calculated in any other Rule and has not calculated payoffs in that way since 1997. |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-20-03.4 | Concluding University Employment | RESCINDED - Each paragraph of this Rule is addressed in 3359-26-05 |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-20-05.1 | Grading System, Discipline, Academic Probation and Dismissal | Raises the minimum GPA required for the Dean's List from 3.25 to 3.50 and creates a President's List for full-time students who earn a 4.00 GPA. Updates language in (P) pertaining to dishonesty to conform to procedures contained in Code of Student Conduct. |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-22-01 | Contract Professional Information | Updates language to include the President's designee in (C)(2) and changes days to hours in (F), plus a couple of minor grammatical changes throughout the Rule |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-25-06 | Classified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-25-07 | Unclassified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-26-04 | Absence From Campus | Adds same sex domestic partner to definition of immediate family in (G)(1), as well as a few grammatical changes throughout the Rule |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-26-05 | Separation From the University | Updates language to reflect current practice and adds a new paragraph (H) with regard to payment of compensatory time and unused vacation accrual at time of separation |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-60-06.2 | Graduate Student Standards | Amends rule title, eliminates grades and point values that do not pertain to graduate courses and removes language in (I) since no extra fees are assessed to a graduate student who graduates "in absentia" |
Passed by BOT 4/23/14 Filed 4/29/14 |
5/9/14 |
3359-2-02 | Organization of Instruction | Changes the name of Summit College to the College of Applied Science and Technology |
Passed by BOT 6/11/14 Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-20-04.3 | Faculty Privileges and Benefits | Clerical change: Name change of UA Business Solutions to UA Solutions |
Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-25-07 | Unclassified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 6/11/14 Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-26-02 | General Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures | Clerical change: Name change of UA Business Solutions to UA Solutions |
Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-60-02 | Undergraduate Admissions | Adds language providing that the inter-college transfer (ICT) of transfer students be based solely on their UA cumulative grade-point average after the completion of 15 more credit hours at UA |
Passed by BOT 6/11/14 Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-60-04.2 | Regulations Regarding Refunds: Credit/Noncredit | Clerical change: Name change of UA Business Solutions to UA Solutions |
Filed 6/17/14 |
6/27/14 |
3359-25-06 | Classified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 7/30/14 Filed 11/10/14 |
11/20/14 |
3359-25-07 | Unclassified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 7/30/14 Filed 11/10/14 |
11/20/14 |
3359-25-06 | Classified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 10/15/14 Filed 11/25/14 |
12/5/14 |
3359-25-07 | Unclassified Classification Plan | Update |
Passed by BOT 10/15/14 Filed 11/25/14 |
12/5/14 |