University Rules

2013 Rules Updates

NOTE: Rules are listed in the order they were filed with the state. Accordingly, the most recently filed rules will be listed at the end of the table.

Rule Number Title Reason for Change Status Effective Date
3359-1-10 Advisory Trustees Clarifies language and makes changes to the Rule that places stronger focus on its primary purpose, which is to permit the University to take advantage of the talents, resources and experiences of those who may be appointed "Advisory Trustees"

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-2-01.1 Deans of the Degree-Granting and Professional Colleges and Schools Removes the section pertaining to Dean, University College - since University College no longer exists

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-2-02 Organization of Instruction Removes University College from the list of colleges and schools of instruction, since University College no longer exists

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-3-01 Officers of Finance and Administration Increases the pre-approval purchase limits of goods and services from $350,000 to $500,000

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-20-05 Academic Matters and General Policies Removes references to University College, eliminates unnecessary language, and removes the names of specific offices, replacing those references with phrases such as "the office responsible for . . . "

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-20-05.1 Grading System, Discipline, Academic Probation and Dismissal Removes references to University College, eliminates unnecessary language, and removes the names of specific offices, replacing those references with phrases such as "the office responsible for . . . "

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-42-01 Student Rights and Responsibilities Removes a reference to University College and eliminates unnecessary language

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-60-03.1 Credit by Transfer and/or Examination Removes a reference to University College and eliminates unnecessary language

Passed by BOT 1/30/13 Filed 2/4/13

3359-26-04 Absence From Campus Clerical change on page 10

Filed 2/19/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 3/20/13 Filed 3/27/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 3/20/13 Filed 3/27/13

3359-2-01 The Office of Academic Affairs Reporting line change - adds Office of University Communications and Marketing

Filed 5/13/13

3359-4-01 Officers of Public Affairs and Development Reporting line change - removes Institutional Marketing

Filed 5/13/13

3359-10-02 The University of 69É«ÇéƬ Bylaws of the Faculty Senate Revisions to this Rule were made to reflect current practices.  Adds a part-time faculty committee as a permanent committee of Faculty Senate.

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-20-03.5 Orientation of New Faculty Members Revisions to this Rule were made to reflect current practices.

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-20-05.1 Grading System, Discipline, Academic Probation and Dismissal Adds an early intervention process for students making unsatisfactory academic performance

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-20-05.7 Publications and Promotional Materials Name change:  Department of Institutional Marketing to Office of University Communications and Marketing

Filed 5/13/13

3359-20-05.9 Radiation Safety Reporting line change to Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Management

Filed 5/13/13

3359-20-06.1 Part-Time Faculty Appointments Clarifies that all part-time faculty are employed on an at-will basis

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-41-01 Code of Student Conduct of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ Clerical changes

Filed 5/13/13

3359-60-02 Undergraduate Admissions Rescinded Rule - This Rule is being rescinded and replaced, as more than 50 percent of the existing text is being stricken and new text is being added which is the result of the HLC self-study process pertaining to student academic success.

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-60-02 Undergraduate Admissions New Rule - See above

Passed by BOT 5/8/13 Filed 5/13/13

3359-10-02 The University of 69É«ÇéƬ Bylaws of the Faculty Senate The proposed changes to this Rule were passed by Faculty Senate in May 2009 but were inadvertently not incorporated into the University Rule.  The first addition in paragraph (C)(1) specifies the term for Executive Committee members.  The second addition in paragraph (C)(5)(g) enables more efficient operations of the Faculty Senate by allowing the Executive Committee to act on its behalf during the summer months.

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-20-05.1 Grading System, Discipline, Academic Probation and Dismissal Aligns the University with the rest of the state for a minimum of 120 credit hours to earn a bachelor's degree

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-60-03.6 Graduation Aligns the University with the rest of the state for a minimum of 120 credit hours to earn a bachelor's degree

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-60-04.3 Residence Hall Refunds Addresses the loss of revenue in the residence halls related to the existing policy associated with student dismissal from the halls as a result of a disciplinary violation; reflects forfeiture of the current term housing fees in which the student is found responsible for violating the policy and terms of the housing contract

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-60-06.3 Master's Degree Requirements Eliminates outdated verbiage and brings the Rule up to date

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-60-06.4 Doctoral Degree Requirements Eliminates outdated verbiage and brings the Rule up to date

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-60-06.7 Graduate Certificate Program Requirements New Rule created out of necessity.  There are Rules for master's and doctoral degree requirements; however, there has never existed a rule for graduate certificate program requirements.  

Passed by BOT 6/19/13 Filed 6/25/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 8/7/13 Filed 8/12/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 8/7/13 Filed 8/12/13

3359-2-01 The Office of Academic Affairs Reporting line change:  International Programs now reports to the Office of Academic Affairs, rather than Division of Student Affairs

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-26-02 General Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures Department name change:  Workforce Development & Continuing Education to UA Business Solutions

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-41-01 Code of Student Conduct of The University of 69É«ÇéƬ Department name change:  Student Judicial Affairs to Student Conduct and Community Standards

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-43-01 Constitution Department name change:  Student Judicial Affairs to Student Conduct and Community Standards

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-48-05 Interim Student Athlete Code of Conduct Department name change:  Student Judicial Affairs to Student Conduct and Community Standards

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-60-04.2 Regulations Regarding Refunds: Credit/Noncredit Department name change:  Workforce Development & Continuing Education to UA Business Solutions

Passed by BOT 10/16/13 Filed 10/22/13

3359-1-04.1 Open Meetings This new Rule is replacing and updating Rule 3359-4-04 Compliance with Sunshine Law. Revisions consist of (1) Re-numbering the new Rule to reflect proper placement within the series of University Rules, (2) Modifying the language from resolution format in 3359-4-04 to rule-filing format in 3359-1-04.1, and (3) Updating the language to reflect current practice.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-4-04 Compliance with Sunshine Law Rescinded Rule - see explanation for 3359-1-04.1 above

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-1-05 President of the University Corrects/updates language on pages 2 and 3, as well as adds the Contract Professional Advisory Committee (CPAC) and Staff Employee Advisory Committee (SEAC) to the constituencies and/or advisory groups to be provided an opportunity to meet with finalist candidates during the presidential search process

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-10-02 Bylaws of the Faculty Senate Adds language to include in Faculty Senate a representative of the full-time academic advisors.  These revisions were approved by Faculty Senate at its meeting on September 5, 2013.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-20-04.3 Faculty Privileges and Benefits Revisions consist of (1) Language about part-time faculty health benefits on page 1 is being removed.  The Affordable Care Act created new health insurance exchanges which offer more affordable health care options for part-time employees.  (2) Annuity options language on pages 4 & 5 has been updated to reflect the University's annuity plans. (3) Fee reduction language beginning on page 8 is being updated to include same sex domestic partners. (4) Department name change:  Workforce Development & Continuing Education to UA Business Solutions. (5) Language on page 16 pertaining to term life insurance is updated to reflect the discontinuation of retiree life insurance except for those employees grandfathered prior to 1977 who elected term life insurance through the University.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-20-06.1 Part-Time Faculty Appointments Language about part-time faculty health benefits on page 11 is being removed.  The Affordable Care Act created new health insurance exchanges which offer more affordable health care options for part-time employees.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-26-02 General Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures Fee reduction language beginning on page 13 is being updated to include same sex domestic partners.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-26-06 Part-Time Staff Group Health Insurance Coverage Rescinded Rule - the University will discontinue group health insurance to part-time employees since the Affordable Care Act created new health insurance exchanges which offer more affordable health care options for part-time employees.

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 12/16/13

3359-25-06 Classified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 1/9/14

3359-25-07 Unclassified Classification Plan Update

Passed by BOT 12/11/13 Filed 1/9/14
